Sunday, February 23, 2020

DB Reply Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DB Reply - Assignment Example This means that companies such as Wal-Mart can reduce their external cost and increase their goodwill if they choose to ship more products through larger vessels and this will even reduce transportation cost. Eddy even seconds the proposition that the shipping industry needs to operate to attain economies of scale and scope and they can do so by horizontal integration taking place between different elements of the shipping industry. Eddy states that now those shipping companies are more successful that instead of competing with the ports have integrated with the ports and due to this integration they are attaining economies of scale and scope and developed a strong maritime logistics chain (Eddy, 2009). Eddy even asserts that due to higher degree of focus on integration, the shipping firms that have increased their vertical and horizontal integration have attained higher power in the market and have gained a competitive advantage over

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Warfighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Warfighting - Essay Example The military operation plan has to correlate with the security cooperation and contingency planning guidelines of the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) [Sweeney, pg.64]. As the US is not supporting the claim of present Moroccan government with respect to their sovereignty over Western Sahara, and is of the position that the UN-mediated ceasefire of 1991 be respected by all parties and a peaceful resolution of the conflict be sought, the mission will try to accomplish the same under a wider perspective. In this matter US forces envisage to work in cooperation with a UN peacekeeping force and will try to accomplish in long term, a permanent ceasefire, reduction of Moroccan military presence in the region, ensuring Moroccan and Polisario militaries keep to their assigned territories, release from Moroccan jails of all Western Saharan political prisoners and also exchange of pows, implementation of a UN-led repatriation program for refugees, registration of all qualified voters, and a free and fair referendum. Under the short term objectives of the mission, will come another set of conflict resolution and humanitarian aid providing steps. The immediate step in this sequence of action will be to try to prevent more people from marching in into the cities and also finding solution to the humanitarian crisis caused by the already happened influx of people. It would be a matter of priority to help the women and children who have entered the city as part of the protesting groups as they are the most vulnerable elements to a humanitarian tragedy. Food, potable water and medical support will have to be arranged for all those who are in need of them. In view of the US policy to have a peaceful solution to the crisis, our mission will also be primarily to avert the exercise of force that can lead to violence or physical repression.