Friday, December 27, 2019

The Anthropology Of Welfare And Social Protection - 809 Words

During my current position as a Teaching Associate (and Affiliated Lecturer) I wrote and delivered the core second-year course of eight lectures, and facilitated eight MPhil seminars, in Economic Anthropology. I also wrote and delivered two lectures concerning the anthropology of welfare and social protection, supervised over forty students for the papers SAN1, SAN2, S5 and SAN8, and supervised an undergraduate dissertation. My effectiveness as a lecturer is attested by a quantitative evaluation, in which I received 88% for how interesting the material was, and 90% for how clearly this material was presented. One part IIA student provided the following in their feedback form at the end of the SAN2 economic anthropology lecture course: â€Å"My favourite lectures of the year. I thought I didn’t like economic anthropology because I didn’t understand it. These lectures clearly explained concepts with a diverse range of ethnographies. I am now doing my dissertation in econ omic anthropology! Thank you!†. This quote encapsulates my approach to lecturing in which I clearly explain theoretical approaches using ethnographic examples. In some lectures I aim to provide a coherent overview of a particular topic, while in others I explicate particular concepts and theories using a more circumscribed set of literature. Aside from teaching economic anthropology and supervising students, I would also welcome the opportunity to teach research methods. I recently co-facilitated a five-dayShow MoreRelatedThe Full Time Position Of Teaching Associate960 Words   |  4 Pagesfollowing papers: SAN1, SAN2, SAN8, and S5 (SAN6). In addition to supervising, I have written and delivered eight core second year lectures on Economic Anthropology and two lectures on the anthropology of welfare and social protection. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rape And Sexual Assault Of The United States - 1453 Words

Many people have different definitions of rape as well as sexual assault over the years there Have been many definitions floating around. The most recent and most accurate definition For the two are very in depth for instance sexual assault id defined as any type of sexual contact Or a certain behavior that occurs without blatant consent. Crimes such as this involve (Forced Intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape). Rape is defined as unlawful intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or Mouth with or without force by a sex organ, body part or foreign object without the consent of The person/victim. (United states department of justice). Such crimes as these can be†¦show more content†¦Aside from the two there was another survey carried out on national probability Sample that surveyed four thousand twenty-three children ages ranging from the ages of 12 -17 Found that 8.1% of U.S children/ minors had been victims of at least one sexual assault in their Short life time. Number wise out of the 8.1% that concludes that 1.8 million 12-17 year olds Have in fact been sexually assaulted. (Kilpatrick and Saunders, 1997; Kilpatrick, Acierno,Resnick, Best and Schnurr 2000). Sexual Assault and Rape 3 During these years of study more than 52% of all rape and sexual assault victims were females Younger than the age of 25. (Perkins, C. (1997, September) More extensive studies found that Had sustained physical injury from sexual assault/ rape reported only 37% of the crimes. Sexual assault not involving physical injury was only reported 22% of the time substantially Lower ,15% exactly than if a woman had in fact been injured. (Craven, D) (1994). The NSA also Has information about 462 cases of sexual assault experienced by 12-17 year olds the study was Done on the ages sexual assault occurred 29.9 % had been assaulted before age 11, 16.3% Between the ages 11-2, 20.8% between the ages of 13-14, 20.8% between the age of 15-16, and 1.7 % at age 17. The remaining 8.7 % of cases victims were not sure or refused to provide age data. (Kilpatrick, 1996.from the mouths of victim’s

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Academic Writing for Fundamentals of Research -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAcademic Writing for Fundamentals of Legal Research. Answer: Essay Question- Should all academic writing be based on primary sources? Academic writing is conducted in various set of outlines and genres that comprises an impersonal as well as dispassionate tone. This form of writing is generally targeted for a significant and informed audience and is based on an intensively examine knowledge. Academicians in every discipline utilizes academic form of writing in order to convey thoughts, ideas, make arguments and further engage in scholarly discussion. However, at times, this form of writing is regarded as prolonged or inaccessible but it must be noted that a vehement and intense academic writing is quite otherwise (Candlin and Hyland 2014). Such form of writing enlightens, examines and further persuades in an effortless manner and facilitates the readers to involve critically in an intellectual and scholarly discourse. The value and significance of sources must be noted in order to comprehend any research project. The three labels of sources of information namely primary, secondary and tertiary serve a varied purpos e throughout the process of any research work and can further strengthen the piece of writing (Turabian 2018). The essay will intend to focus on the significance of primary source of information in conducting a successful academic writing. In addition to it, the essay will further evaluate the role of primary, secondary and tertiary sources in varied disciplines of academic writing. Primary sources are considered significant to any research assignment except for the occasions when the primary aim is to create a survey of accessible literature on a specific subject. The idea of primary varies from discipline to discipline. A primary source for literature for instance, would involve writings, dialogues, speeches along with other direct communications derived from the author of the work that has being studied (Brundage 2017). Certain disciplines in particular such as history include sources like letters, scripts, eyewitness testimonies, newspaper articles and other autobiographical work. For instance, a researcher intending to analyse the disparities on the way the Northern and Southern media reported the battle of Antietam during the Civil War would necessitate the consideration of the testimonies of the battle and its direct repercussions, reports from the soldiers who participated in the battle along with the chronicles and journals (Galvan and Galvan 2017). How ever, it must be noted that not all primary references can be utilized in conducting an effective historical investigation. A research worker might further review autobiographies or narratives written by people who were in direct association with the battles (Cumming 2013). Primary references for studying a discipline of psychology, on the other hand, incorporate discussion and interrogating human entities who provide effective participation in the study, empirical investigation gathered during the course of the investigation, investigation outcomes along with other related materials. An academic researcher in order to assess the space-elevator strategies of NASA will conduct an in-depth interview with a NASA scientist or further evaluate videos of NASA Power Beaming Challenge incidents (Coolican 2017). A research worker intending to determine the efficacy of listening to classical genre music while studying would outline the project in order to analyse students who study under dive rse circumstances. Such a research design would aid the researcher to accumulate information and required data in order to support or refute the hypothesis. According to the UCLA Institute on Primary Resources, the role of primary references is to offer immediate evidences of historic occurrences. However, it is immensely important to consider that primary references in its unusual form that is neither construed nor assessed by other researchers (Harvey 2013). The implementation of primary references provides an academic writer with distinctive opportunities in order to perform original study and further formulate the researchers personal theory, ideas and opinions (Harris 2017). The central idea of primary resources in academic writing or research is to analyse as data for scientific, historical as well as social investigation. Primary data aid in immense intimacy to the occurrence or phenomenon that is being studied (Kipping, Wadhwani and Bucheli 2014). The central area whereby primary sources lie is in journals or any documentation, but one may intermittently encounter a book or document in which a researcher or author has incorporate d original work or unique thoughts and findings. For instance, conceptualizing the themes and ideas in the novel of Great Gatsby, an academic writer must analyse the text and further review nonfiction essays written by Scott Fitzgerald (Chin et al. 2013). Furthermore, primary sources provides with a window to look into the past records which are the unfiltered admission to the data of artistic, societal, scientific as well as political ideas and achievements during the period of investigation in particular. Academic research is based on factual data, information and investigation, which further entails the usage of primary sources (Fairclough 2014). A detailed inquisition into primary data sources acknowledges a researcher with several disagreements and contradictions and further evaluates manifold sources and data that symbolize contradictory standpoints, further confronting the intricacies of past. Secondary sources in academic writing are regarded as an n analysis of the raw or firsthand data done by researchers within the domain of intellectual and academic study. Such secondary materials conceptualize and further interpret the primary data. Secondary data serves the role of used or indirect account or substantiation of an event or an affair (Ary et al. 2018). Thus, such form of data is considered as sources deflected from the original explanation and phenomenon. Secondary source of information instead of offering an accurate narrative, researchers using these data evaluate, construe and further gather inferences about the raw or primary sources, thus incorporating significance to the sources in academic writing (Cottrell 2017). Such forms of sources play the role of a liaison between the sources and the academic writer. A journal article based on ideologies of motherhood for instance, in the novel of Frankenstein can be used in order to evaluate the beliefs and thoughts of S helleys on motherhood and further assess the way the ideas of both have exerted their way into the narratives of the novel (Carroll et al. 2013). Furthermore, several books and articles on speech styles and patterns can be used in order to assess the way renowned personalities such as Obama communicates with the audience and media. Secondary data is regarded as a systematic and methodical method with the use of procedural as well as evaluative manner, but there remains an absence of literature in order to define particular procedures (Barkan, Bintliff and Whisner 2015). The central idea lying on secondary data sources is to provide theoretical ideas and knowledge along with conceptual competences in order to implement existing information to address the investigating questions (Kipping, Wadhwani and Bucheli 2014). In the domain of academic writing, this type of sources include less expenditure, time as well as resources whereby the information collected is assessed and evaluated and further accessible in formats which are prepared in advance, thus, aiding to time reduction (Hancock and Algozzine 2016). Secondary source data further provides responses to the research questions of the study. However, on the contrary with primary source in academic writing secondary data might be incompetent to achieve the research requirements as the data gathered through secondary sources requires detailed evaluation in order to produce into the configure, which is attuned to the needs of the academic writer (Brundage 2017). For instance, in analysing the Great Gatsby the primary data collection would be gathered from the novel itself, while for secondary resources the references can thus be congregated from the film adaptations based on the novels or the scholarly documentations of review the novel (Coolican 2017). It must be noted that in primary data sources, academic researchers who gather data further analyse it. Furthermore, for meta-analysis, a researcher quantitatively coalesce the statistical outcomes from several studies of an event in order to accomplish a specific conclusion. However, in the case of secondary sources, researchers who do not have any direct association with the data collection study the data. The majority area of animal cognition incorporates primary data investigation; however, it creates complexities to recognize any which rely on meta-analysis (Hancock and Algozzine 2016). On the contrary, secondary sources rely on effective published and accessible information. Articles or editorial, which are supported by primary sources, have the potentialities to provide significance impact on further investigation (Fairclough 2014). A comprehensive enduring influence of written documentation based on raw data analysis may be evaluated by citations in succeeding pragmatic or empirical articles as well as in review of literature. However, in the context of secondary data sources, academic researchers or group of academic investigators con ceptualizes the information that is not implicated in the outline of the research work or data collection (Kipping, Wadhwani and Bucheli 2014). These evaluations are relied upon information that has the accessibility in text, tables, and graphs or upon the raw data gathered from secondary sources. Conducting any study or investigation facilitates a researcher to discover and determine the prevailing and dominant thoughts, theories, perceptions and discussions that have their presence in the literature. The third form of source involved in the domain of academic writing is the tertiary source that further recapitulates or commentaries on secondary data (Galvan and Galvan 2017). Writers implement tertiary sources in order to achieve a fundamental idea and improved understanding of the subject and to prepare through broad range of information in a rapid and effective manner (Carroll et al. 2013). Sources collected from indexes, bibliographies, theoretical data and further reference resources can be regarded as tertiary sources unless they offer academic and scholarly analyses. Tertiary sources are regarded as sources that recognize and locate both primary and secondary data. While conducting an enduring ethnographic investigation on the way first and third year law students demog raphic factors along with preceding disclosure to data literacy induction have an impact on the data sources that law students choose and further their preferences whether or not to provide suitable attribution to implemented information references (Candlin and Hyland 2014). While conducting the research the academic researcher has, further consulted data generally regarded as secondary references that involved law review journals, legal encyclopaedia, various legal dictionaries, and Restatements of the Law as well as practice directories. It must be noted that these primary and secondary reference sources offer enhanced consistent, legitimate and reliable (Barkan, Bintliff and Whisner 2015). However, students conducting academic research in law may not consider these factors due to its immense level of time consumption aspect in comparison to the usage of tertiary source such as Google (Fairclough 2014). In recent times, the majority of people within the academic domain are greatly reliant towards the rapid accessibility of internet. A law student whereby, can easily access any form of data of legal information that is related to his or her subject in lesser time with the help of a search engine that is a tertiary reference (Hancock and Algozzine 2016). On the contrary, gathering legal information with the help of a digital legal database or from a documented source, which can be regarded as primary or secondary sources. Even though, tertiary sources identify intense value of primary and secondary sources, the prominence of tertiary references lack at various areas due to their distance from the original source of data, they possess a tendency to generalize or sometimes create distortions of the research subject (Brundage 2017). Repetitive rehash of secondary references results in losing some new dimensions and insights of the research topic (Hancock and Algozzine 2016). In order to accomplish certain principles and standards of exploration and expectations o f the academic writing, consistent and reliable data facilitate to achieve the aims and objectives of the research and further ascertain the writing to accomplish the necessities and requirements of the paper. However, the significance of sources deserves a mention because they tend to reveal evidences to the debates and arguments the academic writer present in his or her work must be corroborated properly. In such contexts, primary sources provide germane and well-established information in order to aid such declarations and arguments. Despite the fact that primary sources reveal original, raw and direct evidences that are usually related to the personal experiences of the writers or researchers, they does not always confirm their efficacy in all forms of academic writing. However, primary sources have immense significance but few academic writings to develop the critical thinking as well as research skills. Utilizing primary sources for writing an essay can pose challenges , therefore incorporating secondary sources such as peer-reviewed articles, academic or scholarly journals is important because they aid the analysis of the writer and further facilitates in the development of critical thinking as well as research abilities. References Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., Irvine, C.K.S. and Walker, D., 2018.Introduction to research in education. Cengage Learning. Barkan, S.M., Bintliff, B. and Whisner, M., 2015. Fundamentals of legal research. Brundage, A., 2017.Going to the sources: A guide to historical research and writing. John Wiley Sons. Candlin, C.N. and Hyland, K., 2014.Writing: Texts, processes and practices. Routledge. Carroll, J.A., Diaz, A., Meiklejohn, J., Newcomb, M. and Adkins, B., 2013. Collaboration and competition on a wiki: The praxis of online social learning to improve academic writing and research in under-graduate students.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology,29(4). Chin, P., Reid, S., Wray, S. and Yamazaki, Y., 2013.Academic Writing Skills 3 Student's Book(Vol. 3). Cambridge University Press. Coolican, H., 2017.Research methods and statistics in psychology. Psychology Press. Cottrell, S., 2017.Critical thinking skills. Macmillan Education. Cumming, A., 2013. Assessing integrated writing tasks for academic purposes: Promises and perils.Language Assessment Quarterly,10(1), pp.1-8. Fairclough, N., 2014.Critical language awareness. Routledge. Galvan, J.L. and Galvan, M.C., 2017.Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences. Routledge. Hancock, D.R. and Algozzine, B., 2016.Doing case study research: A practical guide for beginning researchers. Teachers College Press. Harris, R.A., 2017.Using sources effectively: Strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism. Taylor Francis. Harvey, K., 2013.History and Material Culture: A Student's Guide to Approaching Alternative Sources. Routledge. Kipping, M., Wadhwani, R.D. and Bucheli, M., 2014. Analyzing and interpreting historical sources: A basic methodology.Organizations in time: History, theory, methods, pp.305-329. Turabian, K.L., 2018.A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago style for students and researchers. University of Chicago Press.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Information Technology In Marketing Of Tourist Destination Tourism Essay Example

Information Technology In Marketing Of Tourist Destination Tourism Essay Information engineering is going more and more the important component of mundane life. It is widely used in concern activities, every bit good as in leisure clip at place. This besides applies to tourism as a signifier of human activity. Tourist endeavors are significantly utilizing information engineering for selling intents. This applies to the field of support in marketing determination devising every bit good as the field of communicating and sale. However, for the intent of selling, information engineering is used in touristry by public sector, specifically by national, regional and lokal tourer organisations covering with marketing for their countries ( states, parts, topographic points ) as tourer finishs. Therefore this paper takes into consideration the possibilities of the usage of information engineering in touristry finish selling. Explained are assorted information engineerings, applied in touristry and their present and possible function in the selling of finish is ass essed. Defined is the term of electronic market, together with electronic selling as selling activities carried out on electronic market with the aid of information engineering. The demand to integrate electronic selling in the whole scheme of touristry finish selling is besides pronounced. For this paper relevant literature was used, largely from the field of selling, but besides of other economic and historic methods. Keywords: selling in touristry, selling scheme, tourer market, information engineering, electronic selling, finish selling systems. Introduction For successful and efficient concern in an environment characterized by dynamism, information and globalisation, it is necessary to be flexible and react rapidly to any alterations on the market. Such company`s reaction may be merely the consequence of uninterrupted, rapid and accurate flow of information enabled by information engineering and information systems. In industrialised states, information and cognition represent a new base of overall operation, present in all domains of production, touristry, trade and services, to non-economy and province disposal. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Technology In Marketing Of Tourist Destination Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Information Technology In Marketing Of Tourist Destination Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Information Technology In Marketing Of Tourist Destination Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Continuous development of information and communicating engineerings during the last decennary has had a profound deduction on touristry. In the modern concern conditions, for endeavors in touristry, it is of import to see two signifiers of technological competences in order to accomplish fight. These are the countries of computing machine engineering and communicating engineering. Computer engineerings include accomplishments in the field of hardware, package, etc.. Accomplishments in the field of hardware provide about illimitable chances for the development of package plans designed to work out any jobs. Communication engineerings enable work outing the jobs of transportation of information. Message transmittal rate is continuously increasing. Application of ICT in endeavors in the touristry, digitise all procedures in the field of touristry, catering, travel, etc.. Besides, these engineerings affect all concern maps in the touristry industry: gross revenues and selling, finance and accounting, procurance, research and development. At the tactical degree, this includes e-commerce and application of information engineering ( IT ) to maximise efficiency and effectivity of organisations in the touristry industry through the decrease of operating costs and communications costs. In add-on, IT enables more effectual strategic determination doing through improved direction processes, control processs, more efficient response to alterations in the environment and similar. Changeless interaction with clients and spouses helps to be more flexible and competitory in pricing, which can increase the output of the company. Gross saless control enables company to set merchandises and monetary values to the demands of consumers, every bit good as to originate promotional companies and similar, in the quest to maximise gross revenues. The efficiency of the tourer economic system of a state or finish will mostly depend on the entire cybernation of concern endeavors in touristry, and the handiness of touristry merchandises presented through the modern computing machine engineering. The effects of the execution of information engineering are legion and chiefly associate to better information and faster dealing, to significantly bettering operations in many countries on the tourer market. 1. Feature OF TOURISM DESTINATION Selling Tourism is a complex, unfastened system which is composed of set of subsystems and their interaction of ensuing socio-economic and natural phenomena and relationships. Its subsystems, themselves are composed of a set of ain elements such as: system of holders supply ( adjustment installations, eating houses, air hoses, retail trade, reinforced attractive forces, activities, etc. ) subsystem mediators ( circuit operators, travel bureaus ) , subsystem of concern associations and Chamberss, a subsystem of the populace sector ( province governments responsible for touristry, national, regional and local touristry organisations, tourer information centres, etc. ) a subsystem of tourers ( consumers ) , a subsystem of occupants ( both because of the importance of their attitude towards tourers every bit good as user of the same installations and services ) , every bit good as related services subsystem ( guide service, educational establishments etc. ) . Tourism is an activity that involves motion and stay of people in such topographic points that are non topographic points of their lasting abode. They visited other states, faiths, colonies, and this is called by a name aa‚Â ¬ a tourer finish. Since there is no topographic point on Earth, which tourists do non see, it should be emphasized that, in the context of modern touristry, a topographic point can go a finish merely as a consequence of two sets of related activities: the development of installations designed for run intoing the demands of tourers who visit the finish and the being of the finish selling activities such as the tourers offers in topographic points where it is needed. Selling in touristry is direction doctrine by which holders of tourer and concern policies tend to make and keep the mark group of tourers through the designation and ( effectual and efficient ) seeking to run into their demands, and on that footing to accomplish their organisational ends and societal involvement. Today in the international touristry, states, parts and metropoliss are viing as a finish, non merely companies. Selling of merchandises of touristry finishs can non be left merely to the endeavors because they are non normally capable to back up independently, financially or otherwise such attempts. For this ground it is necessary that such activities are done by Tourist policy holders, and assorted province organic structures which are responsible for touristry ( such as public sector ) . But we should non undervalue the function and importance of the assorted enterprises of the private sector. The development of mass touristry has threatened and someplace damaged non merely natural but besides adult male s entire environment. It is necessary to take into history the long-run involvements of society ( Internet Explorer, finish ) and continue the environment ( natural, socio-cultural and other ) so that the tourer finish would non go a victim of its ain development. Therefore, the application of selling in touristry assumes the credence of construct of socially responsible selling. Selling in touristry, in general, has a figure of specific inside informations that are related to touristry as an activity. These are: intangibleness of services, their connexion with those who provide them, variableness of quality, the impossibleness of their storage, important clip distance between the determination to buy and ain ingestion, frequently weak trueness to the trade name, concentrating demand to offer, seasonal concentration of demand, its heterogeneousness and flexibleness, heterogeneousness and inelasticity every bit good as high hazard in purchasing their merchandise. It should be said that besides the legion characteristics of selling in touristry in general, a tourer finish carries extra particulars that arise from the following features: Tourist finish, irrespective of physical screens, normally has a multifunctional character ; spacial coverage tourer finish, that is seen by tourers, frequently differs from the 1 that is seen by the finish governments ; It may go on that some sets of aims of public and private sectors do non overlap or that they are in struggle ; the finish method of utilizing the merchandise differs well from the usage of any merchandise or services, and eventually, those who manage the finish ( which is the public sector ) , have small or no control over the assorted elements of the tourer finish. Specific services include selling and usage of specific selling constructs, besides the one related to the four selling mix instrument. It is about internal selling and synergistic selling. Finish selling organisations ( DMO ) can implement internal selling on three degrees: the micro degree, Internet Explorer. within the DMO, where the chief mark audience is the forces employed in the DMO, so at the degree of tourer activity, where the mark is the employees in the industries of touristry and eventually at the finish as a whole, where the mark audience is the occupants. Talking about synergistic selling chances the execution of these activities is smaller than in the instance of internal selling. It is of great importance for the selling of a tourer finish to keep and better the dealingss with tourers that are normally committed towards attitudes and behaviours of service suppliers. Synergistic selling has its topographic point in the sphere of touristry information centres and checkpoints, through changeless contact, by supplying information, aid and in treating ailments. 2. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN DESTINATION Selling Information engineering, by itself, can non be a beginning of enduring competitory advantage of tourer finish. It may lend barely to the competitory advantage through its impact on beef uping the microeconomic footing of fight which consists of human resources, physical substructure, administrative substructure, information substructure, scientific and technological substructure, developed domestic market and competition, sophisticated and demanding petition. In the selling of tourer finishs, its application is found in a big figure of information engineerings: teletext, videotext, information booths, computing machine reserve systems, planetary distribution systems, finish selling systems, databases, adept systems and the Internet. 2.1. Teletext Teletext is a engineering of one-way broadcasted information through uninterrupted transmittal of groups of information in rhythms from one centre, along with broadcasted telecasting signals. The thought of this innovation was patented in early 1970ss in the UK, and the thought was to liberate the lines of Television signal which were non used for transmittal of picture signals and to asseverate an extra digital signal. The digital signal carries the information presented in the signifier of numbered pages, which can demo text and images. Decoded information in order to be read on screen requires Television with decipherer. Pages of information are broadcast in rhythms, and the user, with the aid of the keyboard, select the coveted page. The disadvantage of Teletext, in this respect lies in the fact that it must wait until the coveted page appears in the broadcast rhythm. This limits the capacity of several hundred pages which means that the choice and elaborate information are limit ed. For the intents of the tourer industry, the place information system, can supply updated information, such as conditions forcast, traffic conditions on roads, clip of going and reaching of aircraft and trains etc.. Besides this, there is the possibility to do a purchase, for illustration, which means to purchase the bundle of tourer agreements and to purchase for it by the phone with the recognition card. This is peculiarly suited for the bundle of agreements that are unsold merely before the start of travel. 2.2. Videotext Videotext is an electronic system for directing information and messages that allows bipartisan communicating, normally by telephone, with the information shown in the signifier of text or artworks on a custom Television or some other terminal such as personal computing machines. Videotext services are used both in private and in concern intents. Some of the information can be obtained via videotext services include: intelligence and conditions, preparation or instruction at place, tourer information, catalog sale. Besides this, videotext can be used to execute the reserve of tickets, film, assorted computations ( eg computation of involvement ) , so to direct messages between users. Videotext can be publically accessible or private, or restricted to private users ( alleged closed-user group ) . Publicly available videotext was developed in many states. Travel bureaus, peculiarly in the UK, frequently use videotext. Therefore, the British rider agents, through any of the bing videotext system, can acquire information about going and arrival times, and monetary values of all major air and ferry companies, and monetary values on the car rental services, the staying topographic points in charter flights and the staying bundle information on visas, exchange rate etc.. Videotext in the touristry industry is far more used to acquiring information instead than booking. When it comes to usual travel ( leisure travel ) particularly the bundle in the UK, in most instances, these merchandises can be booked online entirely through videotext. On the other manus, in Germany, for illustration, circuit operators in this respect are less restrictive, and through videotext book merely a few per centum of the bundle agreement. Booking services for concern travellers, for the most portion use the computerized reserve systems, air hoses and system-START Amadeus. France is the lone state in Europe ( and in the universe ) with the broad usage of videotext system in concern and private intents, with lt ; lt ; Minitel gt ; gt ; device in 1000000s of offices and places. A survey done for the Gallic national telecommunications company and the Ministry of Tourism in 1991, has shown that the usage of lt ; lt ; Minitel gt ; gt ; for roll uping information on touristry services among its clients is popular, although dawdling behind the booklets and information presented by travel bureaus. 2.3. Information booths Development in the field of information engineering has led to the visual aspect of information booths. It is the sort of information system for the independently entree of the client and autonomously usage. New coevals systems are of multimedia characters, dwelling of computing machines, talkers, keyboard ( required if your proctor is non the type of touch-screen ) , CD-ROM thrust, sometimes the little pressman and stored in robust lodging. They are normally set in the hotel anteroom, shopping centres, at the airdromes, coach and railroad Stationss and on similar topographic points. Users ( tourers ) can freely near and utilize it to acquire the specific information ( through text, images, picture and sound ) , and to book the adjustment. The characteristics of information booths are:[ 1 ] Good balance in the usage of different media, Good quality content, Simple but clear and apprehensible organisation of content, Consistency in the manner the stuff is fragmented, connected and presented on the screen, Consistency in the presentation of different functionality and It links clearly the significance and map ( sometimes with expressed account ) . Information booths have besides disadvantages. There may be negative impacts on the environment ( noise and general exhilaration ) . Availability / handiness of booths may depend on the working hours where they are located. Besides, the frequence locations lose their privateness in obtaining the information through the booths, as passers and those waiting in line for the booth can see ( and hear ) the information that is broadcasted across the screen of the booth. In any instance, information booths are widespread in touristry information engineering and are devoted to the visitants on the finish. Their map is to inform the tourers and carry them to remain longer in the peculiar finish every bit good as to pass more money at that place. 2.4. Compact disc read-only memory CD-ROM ( Compact Disk Read Only Memory ) system allows the optical maser compact phonograph record to hive away coloured recordings: hotel, gallery, landscapes, metropoliss etc. and to expose them by color-screen personal computing machines that are installed in travel bureaus. This new technological invention is frequently called electronic booklet . It allows possible tourers to see any selected finish or partial tourer merchandises and ease a determination on purchase. Electronic booklets can be made by national and regional and local touristry organisations, circuit operators, hotels, proprietors of computerized engagement system CD-ROM ( or video phonograph record ) is really suited for assorted usage with videotext system. Namely, videotext has entree to big databases that are updated continuously, but is limited to their text and simple in writing show. On the other manus, video-disc is inflexible from the point of updating the information ( one time registered the informati on on optical maser compact phonograph record can non be deleted ) , but the possibility of exposing inactive and traveling images of high quality and sound. Therefore, for illustration tourists` travel bureau or tourer information centre can necessitate hotel adjustment in a peculiar finish. Videotext on its page gives information on pricing and handiness but the image of the hotel, room etc. , are shown by a video-disc. 2.5. Computer reserve systems, touristry endeavors ( CRS ) Reservation systems are the most of import component in the system of distribution of tourer services. Their formation is the consequence of the desire of direction in touristry endeavors to set up pre-booking system, which, with monetary value alterations and the formation of waiting lists, is one of the techniques of commanding demand in the short term, without alterations to the offer. In add-on, the reserve system enables organisations whose resources are non limited to better demand and consequently to that it takes stairss to increase supply. Besides, CRS enables suppliers of tourer services to maximise capacity use through monetary value alterations and rearranging the bundle of services, and sometimes through the transportation ( redirect ) consumers with the merchandises whose demand exceeds the offer to those with weaker demand.CRS may be organized in one of three ways:[ 2 ] aa‚Â ¬A? As manual ( manual ) system, where the demands are taken by the phone, and so inscribe in these particular books, journals, and tabular arraies ; aa‚Â ¬A? As a computerized system where the demands are besides received by phone, but all records of the reserve is processed and stored on a computing machine ; aa‚Â ¬A? As a to the full automated computing machine reserve system, for which agents have straight entree ( on line ) from terminuss in their offices and execute engagement. 2.6. Adept systems Adept systems have found their first application in a extremely structured job work outing in scientific discipline and technology. In the field of touristry about they appeared during the eightiess of the last century, when it began with the development of paradigms of these systems for operational and physical direction of tourer companies, particularly for air hoses and big hotels. Expert systems contain the cognition of experts in such signifier to enable them to offer for specific job solutions or do intelligent determinations. Expert system should hold the ability to explicate and warrant its decision, every bit good as the ability to make informations on actions with unsure effects. Characteristic of these systems is that they are able to retrieve the good solutions and include them in the bank of cognition for later usage in work outing other jobs. For direction intents, the acceptance of such systems and larning about them are indispensable. The comparatively recent literature, which covers the country of application of information engineerings in touristry, began to till the issue of application of adept systems in reding tourers in choosing the most appropriate finish. Adept systems in this respect could be used as agents of aid ( travel counsellors ) in supplying aid to tourers in the pick of finishs and services in entire. The tourers can happen the same application but without the agent. What are the chances in the country of application of adept systems in finish selling? Apart from the expert systems which should assist in the choice of one, the most suited finish between multiple options, which in this instance are ( controlled ) agencies of selling, there remains the possibility of using for a narrower or wider finish, in order to help in taking the best paths and paths, and harmonizing to penchants of tourers, irrespective of whether the tourers had direct entree or through an agent. Adept systems have non had broad application in this country or agents in the country of aid in giving advice to tourers. The ground for making this, is a great complexness in patterning penchant for intangible merchandises and expand of the range of influence on decision-making procedure. The immediate hereafter will non convey important alterations in this respect. We should anticipate the first concrete effort to present adept systems in travel bureaus, while the procedure of imp lementing the expert system with direct entree will travel slower except, possibly, over the Internet. 2.7. Tourist information systems on the Internet The rapid development of Internet at the terminal of 90 old ages has brought a revolution in touristry. The Internet has moved the spread between consumers and concerns and it enables synergistic communicating and trade. Tourism has ever been a complex activity, which is based on a partnership between the single organisations within a defined system of values. Distribution channels in touristry include the figure of shops which include travel bureaus, circuit operators and other organisations. B2B Internet commercialism has enabled many organisations in the touristry industry to redesign its concern operations and spread out their concern theoretical accounts. We can state that about every serious company in the tourer economic system in the developed states, has its ain web site. This applies to the air hoses, hotel ironss, RAC companies, railroads. But in less tourer companies that are seen on the Internet as a comparatively cheap medium for acquiring the international market. It is interesting to observe that due to the comparatively rapid credence of the Internet by the tourer client and there occur writers who speak of the terminal of the tourer bureaus and the absence of the demands of their mediation. Equally good as it shows the demand of the bureaus to acquire cognize its clients, and the profile of the tourers ( in fact develop Database selling ) so non to stay without them. With the new information engineering, particularly Internet, Marketing section is altering quickly in five foreparts:[ 3 ] From mass selling to database selling. Given that companies tend to all facets of the organisation work smarter, doing more with less, the cost of unsuccessful advertisement will turn. For these grounds, selling experts must, utilize the engineering of informations garnering to aim more exactly coveted sections of their propaganda. This involves roll uping more client information and custom-making the message by utilizing the information demands of the mark audience and to do the distinction between merchandises and services. From mass media to synergistic media. Customers progressively want to take when, where and how to run into the holders offer. This means turn toing the single demands of clients and services in a manner that the client prefers. Synergistic media will play a critical function in this procedure and it should be involved in marketing scheme at the first chance. From the market portion to the relationship wealth. Since marketing sections can function instead than sell their public presentation should be measured otherwise. The accent will be on the wealth of dealingss with consumers, instead than merely the market portion. To be effectual, this passage must be strongly communicated to all degrees of the company. From gross revenues to service clients. Marketing no longer means to convey your message to the widest possible audience. It means to take attention of clients. It moves into production, logistics, client service centres, aid desks, assisting to take barriers in the manner of sale to consumers. From technologically sophisticated to the most originative. The Internet was non for many selling sections of import thing but it was an interesting thing. Today, it is a basic demand in all selling schemes. In the yesteryear, the best selling experts, they were most originative. Today, the best selling experts are those who are most engineering sophisticated. The importance of creativeness remains, but the importance of holding technologically sophisticated usage of selling, gives chances for geometric growing. Internet is non used merely for tourer information, but besides for sale. Association of American hotels and motels ( AHRMA ) points out that electronic gross revenues service adjustment over the Internet beginning of the XXI century has reached a value near to 3 billion USD.[ 4 ] All of import tourer finishs of the universe have their presentations on the Internet ( or more accurately on the Word Wide Web ) . It is a medium that no 1 wants to drop in their selling activities. Our state is connected to the Internet from 1996. twelvemonth. Since so a figure of tourer companies, every bit good as some finishs, develop their presentations on the Internet. Yet it is progressively used to roll up different information in order to happen new content, for supervising communicating, for creative activity and design of tourer services. Decision From the point of view of marketing tourer finishs, teletext and videotext have about no possible. Cadmium Rom has been a traditional selling tool known as Electronic booklet , although a figure of finish presentations on the Cadmium Rom suffer from the stereotype positions. Information booths are designed for those who have already visited the finish, in order to widen their stay and increase ingestion. In that sense, it is a widespread engineering. Computer reserve systems, touristry companies, including planetary distribution systems, are oriented to increase the efficiency of gross revenues, therefore the dealing. Therefore, the weak involvement for a selling finish is expressed. Many of the finishs selling organisations ( DMO ) with the building of finish selling systems make their finish more accessible electronically. Experiences are different, and it is obvious that we should wait with giving the concluding mark. Database of visitants can be a solid foundation for database selling. In fact, it is necessary to put up and develop a coherent system of roll uping informations on visitants, in cooperation with the private sector ( eg touristry industry ) . Adept systems, for now had wider application in the country of finish selling, and the first efforts will be related to the operation of travel bureaus. The Internet likely carries the greatest possible, peculiarly because of the possibility of uniting with other information engineerings. Destination selling organisations is already utilizing the Internet for their activities. Despite its restrictions, it is certain that the Internet will hold a important topographic point in incorporate selling activities of tourer finishs.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Loneliness a Bane or a Boon Essay Example

Loneliness : a Bane or a Boon? Essay How to make the bane of ‘loneliness a boon? I. Sarkar Man is born free but everywhere he is chained. In the present day democratic set up of the world the chain is the invisible chain of loneliness or isolation. Mental isolation or ‘loneliness is undoubtedly the worst curse or tragedy of a mans life. It is painful because it is contrary to Natures laws. In every aspect of Nature, there is a symmetry or coherence. Even the very atom of a matter is built on the principle of ‘coexistence of heterogeneous characters. Every biotic element requires inter and intra exchange of feelings amongst its own surroundings. In case of man it is of paramount importance, because of all animals only man possesses the passion or intelligence to think and feel. Man cannot live by bread alone. He has to satisfy his mental or emotional needs in addition to physical ones. Man also requires conveying his ideas or thoughts to his fellow being. For this inevitably irresistible reason man has been living in societies; created languages and has built a rich civilization. The primitive ‘Clans have become big cities of the Postmodern global villages of the 21st century. In reverse manner it can be said that Mans total achievement is the outcome of his desire to overcome the curse of ‘Isolation or ‘Loneliness. But it is a matter of regret that instead of gaining victory over this in-born enemy, man has become its worst prey even in the midst of pomp and glory. The isolation of human mind increased proportionately with his materialistic and intellectual prosperity. We will write a custom essay sample on Loneliness : a Bane or a Boon? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Loneliness : a Bane or a Boon? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Loneliness : a Bane or a Boon? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Materialism of the last 150 years has given man almost all ingredients to enjoy life, to live in pleasure and comfort; but the pursuit of materialism has made man more and more isolated or lonely in the contrary. For this reason even after possessing Mass-media, electronic goods, computers internets, television etc. man is as lonely as his prehistoric forefathers. In todays world loneliness are of various natures. Apart from the prisoners and lunatics who are segregated by the law of the country, there are Old age homes which are voluntarily accepted by modern people as their last resort to overcome the burden of loneliness. Bacon said long ago, A crowd is not a company. So it is easily discernable that even a celebrity or glamorous personality living amidst millions of admirers or followers may be an extreme sufferer of loneliness. (The tragic end of Michael Jackson may be mentioned) A man may be surrounded by hundreds of people but his condition may be as tragic as Alexander Selkirk, Robinson Crusoe or Clara Copperfield. Of these the first two fought against the circumstantial adversity and won but Clara ,living amongst her near and dear ones became a patient of ‘Melancholia and ultimately died a miserable death. Acute loneliness causes depression and ruins or kills the victim ultimately. A victim of loneliness becomes addicted to drugs or antisocial activities and may even commit suicide. In a word it can be called a silent killer—physical as well as moral. But is loneliness or mental isolation really a curse? Is it really a killer? Is it a bane? Lets try to see the other side of the coin: If we ponder over the matter in a positive manner then we would get the revelation of enormous hidden potentiality in mental isolation or loneliness. It would appear a boon having multi-colour and varied potentiality. It provides man to work according to his own desire and satisfy his creative instincts. If viewed positively then it would appear that the real pleasure of life remains only in isolation. Leaving the cases of the ancient sages apart, we would discover that it is very easy to achieve anything in an isolated state of mind. Isolation provides more time which means more creativity. Isolation provides liberty to think individually, to see everything in their real colour. It also frees man from the fear of losing anything. It helps strengthening ones moral courage and develops indomitable spirit in man. It makes a man dauntless optimist too. Mans eternal pursuit in this world is to be happy. But most of us meet the opposite because we do not know how to approach it. We look before and after and pine for what is not; and suffer eternal misery as a consequence. As the end is a very lofty and covetous so the means are wrongly exercised causing catastrophic results. Mental isolation may create this awareness in the mind of the sufferer and thus provide him the right realization or the key to happiness. Again, it is only in isolation a man can do self criticism. He understands the merits of a good act and demerits of a bad one. This realization causes purification of ones soul and thus helps him to regain his mental strength. Thus it can be said that the proper use of Isolation ultimately helps a man to regain his self-respect and self-confidence which are the secret strength of a man to do miracles out of nothing. Mental isolation or loneliness indirectly provides a man the plan for future happiness. He can cast off his sordid experiences like bad dreams and prepare himself for a new beginning. In this regard the case of Napoleon and Jawaharlal Nehru may be mentioned as examples. But in order to obtain this, a man has to discipline his mind first. He should take recourse to his favourite hobbies like listening music or study good literature. Tagores inspirational songs are very helpful for moral boosting while Shakespeares Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Julius Caesar are relevant studies to the mentioned perspective. Man may try to realize the power of soul like the realization of Robinson Crusoe and fill his life with dedicated works all the time. He should not allow his mind to indulge in frustrating thoughts. In the hour of loneliness a man may make Tagores songs for rejuvenation. Meditation also helps enormously to fight the evil of loneliness. If a man follows all these things then in course of time he would obviously derive the Midas like capacity to make everything gold whatever he touches. Thus loneliness or isolation would become a boon in disguise in stead of a deadly bane. ++++

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Consumer Marketing

I am a 23 year-old white male from rural West Virginia. I can be categorized in the family life cycle in â€Å"young singles,† for I am not married nor do I have any children. I am an adaptable person, highly motivated, with a great need for achievement. I have some traits of defensiveness and a need for stability that is less than average. I perceive myself as a person of above average intelligence, whom is active, athletic and also somewhat successful. I like to believe that I am not an aesthete person, yet I am concerned with my physical appearance and health, and workout regularly for these reasons. I am an optimist, and strive to be a complacent person. I have an active lifestyle, a love for sports and competition, and have several varying interests. Among my most frequent activities are lifting weights, snowboarding, playing football, racquetball, chess and I also have a green thumb. The ideal vehicle for my personality is a sport utility vehicle. An SUV appeals to my youthful and active personality traits. Although this vehicle class may fulfill desires of meeting my self perception of being rugged person, for myself, an SUV would also be a feasible automobile. I snowboard, therefore 4x4 would prove useful on snowboarding trips. Also, being from a rural area, the â€Å"opportunity† to venture off-road in my vehicle my present itself. Another use for an SUV would be when my girlfriend and I take her boat or jet-ski to a lake, with an SUV I wouldn’t need to borrow her parents vehicle. I feel like an SUV is more of a want than a need. I do need the an SUV for the stated reasons but these needs have been met in the past by other means and could continue to be met without purchasing a new sport utility vehicle. Also, the basic need of transportation has already been met by my mid-size car. By conducting an internal information search I recall that a close friend has a SUV, which I have driven several time... Free Essays on Consumer Marketing Free Essays on Consumer Marketing I am a 23 year-old white male from rural West Virginia. I can be categorized in the family life cycle in â€Å"young singles,† for I am not married nor do I have any children. I am an adaptable person, highly motivated, with a great need for achievement. I have some traits of defensiveness and a need for stability that is less than average. I perceive myself as a person of above average intelligence, whom is active, athletic and also somewhat successful. I like to believe that I am not an aesthete person, yet I am concerned with my physical appearance and health, and workout regularly for these reasons. I am an optimist, and strive to be a complacent person. I have an active lifestyle, a love for sports and competition, and have several varying interests. Among my most frequent activities are lifting weights, snowboarding, playing football, racquetball, chess and I also have a green thumb. The ideal vehicle for my personality is a sport utility vehicle. An SUV appeals to my youthful and active personality traits. Although this vehicle class may fulfill desires of meeting my self perception of being rugged person, for myself, an SUV would also be a feasible automobile. I snowboard, therefore 4x4 would prove useful on snowboarding trips. Also, being from a rural area, the â€Å"opportunity† to venture off-road in my vehicle my present itself. Another use for an SUV would be when my girlfriend and I take her boat or jet-ski to a lake, with an SUV I wouldn’t need to borrow her parents vehicle. I feel like an SUV is more of a want than a need. I do need the an SUV for the stated reasons but these needs have been met in the past by other means and could continue to be met without purchasing a new sport utility vehicle. Also, the basic need of transportation has already been met by my mid-size car. By conducting an internal information search I recall that a close friend has a SUV, which I have driven several time...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Observation Techniques - Mystery Shopping Essay

Observation Techniques - Mystery Shopping - Essay Example However, many of the people sold PPI found they were not eligible to claim, others did not understand that purchase of the policy was voluntary, and some did not even realize they had bought the cover (Insley, â€Å"Barclays to settle PPI claims no questions asked â€Å").The number of complaints over the controversial loan insurance has risen by 93% in the first half of the year - and is expected to continue to increase. There has been a level of overcompensation on Simmons Bank’ behalf in respect of communication as a result of this dispute. Simmons Bank has greatly increased its volume of communications to customers via direct mail, phone and emails trying to rebuild customer confidence in the bank and also to win back affected customer’s support. This high volume of communication annoyed customers even further and consequently, resulted in even more complaints being made about the bank. The purpose of the research is to rationalize the best way of communicating an d determine when and how customers prefer to be contacted. Mystery shopping is a technique that is used to evaluate any type of customer interaction and to test anything from product knowledge to customer service/politeness, handling of complaints and the follow-up procedure, refund and exchange procedures and sales skills. The ultimate aim of mystery shopping is to improve customer satisfaction thus increasing sales and customer revenue. This method of research allows an organization to view their product or service from the perspective of the customer or client and accurately identify individual staff’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as organizational strengths and weaknesses. Simmons Bank could benefit from using any one of these methods of mystery shopping and they would all provide useful insight into how Simmons Bank and its employees conduct business. Some questions that physical

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Web Searching as an Important Revenue Source for Various Online Firms Essay

Web Searching as an Important Revenue Source for Various Online Firms - Essay Example In order to assess and highlight the current web browsing trends, the paper compares the performance of different browsers and their individual and market performance as well. This comparison would enable to determine the most effective way to gain digital competitive advantage for Google Chrome. Our goal from the analyzation of these market shares to company perceived value is to be able to finally bring google chrome over the top and make it the number one most used web browser. We are in a position and ready to do this, however, first, we need to better understand what we can gain from this. We will be able to gain a better understanding of our competitors and their reliance on web browsers as a source of revenue for their company. Seeing as web browsers have almost no cost, this seems to be a very effective method of raising profits without raising costs. Since Google has a primarily web-based source of total income, it would be wise of us to increase this even more; this has been difficult in recent years seeing as how Google sells only the chrome book as hardware. This will give us a good idea of who may be a possible target for a business deal in which we are allowed to download our web browser as the default. As we are able to see from the numbers alone, we have been able to gain twenty-eight percent of web browser market share within the two years of our introduction of chrome in 2010. The majority of this share was at the expense of Firefox and Internet explorer who had held 32.7% and 52.4% respectively, at the time of our introduction. At the time, safari had only held 3.72% of the market share, which although halved by 2012, does not explain the significant increase that we have experienced with chrome. Currently, the market share for Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari and Chrome are 34.6%, 5.14%, 1.39% and 28.24%, respectively; meaning that we are 6.36% of market share away from being equal to the market share of internet explorer.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Prof 2 part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Prof 2 part 2 - Essay Example Theoretically, scientists know how DS came about but not what triggers it although there are so-called risk factors to DS incidences. DS is a condition that needs to be extensively studied not only so that it can be totally eliminated but also to help those born with this genetic defects live the closest to normal existence as possible. The purpose of this paper is to study the causes and effects of Down syndrome including its medical consequences and the accepted appropriate clinical, sociological, nutritional and psychological approaches in dealing with DS victims. In undertaking the study of this paper, the writer used several books, articles and other references to meet its objective, which is to understand the causes of Down syndrome, anticipate its medical consequences and how to best deal with DS patients, clinically, psychologically and socially. The article Down Syndrome culled from the Parenting and Child health website was vital in giving a complete overview of the genetic disorder. It familiarizes the reader, although rather cursorily, with the disorder. This was important so that a complete overview of the topic can be instantly had without having to read longer accounts initially (2008). This was likewise true with the article Birth Defects-Trisomy Disorders which can be found in the Better Health Channel website (2007). To find out the frequency of DS occurrence vis-Ã  -vis birth rates in Australian, a visit to the WD website and a reading of the article Statistics by Country for Down Syndrome proved helpful although the statistics therein presented were products of mere extrapolation (2008). The article Down Syndrome and Genetic Cleansing by Rachel Mealy provided an idea how Australian mothers can anticipate a DS birth and how Australian pregnant women actually deal with knowledge of imminent DS births (Mealy 2002). The book Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-To-Z Reference to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Study On Reflection And Use Of Radiography Nursing Essay

Study On Reflection And Use Of Radiography Nursing Essay Reflection is an important and powerful strategy for the use of development in professional skills; as it enables the link between the practice and theoretical aspect of learning to help moving from a beginner to a skilled practitioner. Reflection should enhance self-awareness, identifying personal strengths and weakness as well as help in the improvement. In the world of definitions and explanations, there are different professors, author, and editors e.t.c and their different knowledge of understanding. Dewey defined reflective thought as active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends (Dewey 1933: 118). He set out five phases or aspects. 1. Suggestions, in which the mind leaps forward to a possible solution. 2. An intellectualization of the difficulty or perplexity that has been felt (directly experienced) into a problem to be solved. 3. The use of one suggestion after another as a leading idea, or hypothesis, to initiate and guide observation and other operations in collection of factual material. 4. The mental elaboration of the idea, or supposition as an idea or supposition (reasoning, in the sense in which reasoning is a part, not the whole, of inference). 5. Testing the hypothesis by overt, or imaginative action In every case of reflective activity, a person finds himself confronted with a given, present situation from which he has to arrive at, or conclude to, something that is not present. This process of arriving at an idea of what is absent on the basis of what is at hand is inference. What is present carries or bears the mind over to the idea and ultimately the acceptance of something else. (Dewey 1933 Donald Schà ¶n (1983) suggested that the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning was one of the defining characteristics of professional practice. He argued that the model of professional training which he termed Technical Rationality-of charging students up with knowledge  in training schools so that they could discharge when they entered the world of practice, perhaps more aptly termed a battery model-has never been a particularly good description of how professionals think in action, and is quite inappropriate to practice in a fast-changing world. Goodman (1984, cited by jasper 2003 p9) suggests that there are three levels of reflection which you are likely to move through during your education. However it is not helpful to think that you are at level 1 in year 1, level 2 in year 2 e.t.c. which level you achieve will depend on your skill and ability and should not be restricted to the level which has the same number as your year of study. Doing a general investigation on a word, a methodology, hypothesis, summary and conclusion on a laboratory practical would have being easier as I would have being confident enough to do a write up on what I did, should have done, and reasons why a certain error happened and how it could have being avoided. This is something that could be done as it has been done previously with my course at college. Writing a reflection on a work experience is different but similar to writing or doing an investigation on a laboratory practical, so the techniques of writing a laboratory practical can be used to write a reflection as well as the guidance notes posted on the blackboard. The medical field had ran in my family right from my oldest sister to my older sister as Nurses and now to me as a Radiography (student)I didnt choose to be a radiographer in order not to break the medical chain or because my sisters being nurses, but ever since I visited my oldest sister while she was on a work placement I saw other radiographers, how they operated the radiography machine in taking various x-rays; was breathe taken and wondered how the radiography machine makes use of its infrared without harming the human skin to get the image of the endo-skeleton. Since then I have being interested in the machines and in other get closer to it and find out how it works was to become its operator (radiographer). Queen Mary Hospital, Sidcup was a marvellous place to work/experience what it is like to be a radiographer, as well as being much more hygienic and patience than I was; as there were lots of precautions done before and after taking an x-ray such as the use of disinfectants before and after dealing with a patient and the accurate use of the radiography machine which requires lots of concentration and patience because a slight mistake could cause a life or make the situation of the patient worse. It was really nice meeting other radiography students but known and unknown, we were taken on a tour around the hospital by other senior radiography students then we were introduced to our various supervisors, my supervisor was a lovely lady who seem to be very experienced, she knew what she was doing and also what she was talking about, patient and confident. The first week of the experience was very nerve racking and it was knackering, we were technically a full time working class radiographers (9am 5pm) every day. I got used to the fatigue on the second week but was still nervous that I was going to make a mistake at some point while with a patient either theory wise or practical wise. With the help of the supervisor and the senior colleague I gained a little bit of confidence, was corrected before making and after making a mistake and was checked upon on a regular basis in order to be up to standard and produce distinctive results. Before allowed use of the radiography machine we had to get use to the environments such as being like receptionists, calling out the patients names, checking their information and details making sure that its the right person; this was practically interesting because I got to meet different people with different characters. Then I was given the opportunity to work in the CT (computerised tomography) scan briefly, was thought the basics of the machine, what it scans the body for, how it detects the diseases and how it is maintained. This was time consuming and required a lot of patience. It was quite boring at this point. But came to realise that I was no longer interested in radiography because of the machines, but interested in it because I like to be of help in anyways I can to the people and community. In the medical world mainly the National Health Services, UK there are various sections in each hospital, some hospitals specialised in something specific and some are specialised in everything, but a thorough medical check-up is not complete without some sort of scan which is where the radiographers and radiography comes in. Radiography is the use of X-rays to view a non-uniformly composed material such as the human body. By utilizing the physical properties of the ray an image can be developed displaying clearly, areas of different density and composition. A heterogeneous beam of X-rays is produced by an X-ray generator and is projected toward an object. According to the density and composition of the different areas of the object a proportion of X-rays are absorbed by the object. The X-rays that pass through are then captured behind the object by a detector (film sensitive to X-rays or a digital detector) which gives a 2D representation of all the structures superimposed on each other. In tomography, the X-ray source and detector move to blur out structures not in the focal plane. Computed tomography (CT scanning) is different to plain film tomography in that computer assisted reconstruction is used to generate a 3D representation of the scanned object/patient. Radiography was not only used on living being (medical reasons) also industrial purposes such as fitting shoes. X-ray photons used for medical purposes are formed by an event involving an electron, while gamma ray photons are formed from an interaction with the nucleus of an atom. In general, medical radiography is done using X-rays formed in an X-ray tube. Nuclear medicine typically involves gamma rays. The types of electromagnetic radiation of most interest to radiography are X-ray and gamma radiation. This radiation is much more energetic than the more familiar types such as radio waves and visible light. It is this relatively high energy which makes gamma rays useful in radiography but potentially hazardous to living organisms. Gamma rays are indirectly ionizing radiation. A gamma ray passes through matter until it undergoes an interaction with an atomic particle, usually an electron. During this interaction, energy is transferred from the gamma ray to the electron, which is a directly ionizing particle. As a result of this energy transfer, the electron is liberated from the atom and proceeds to ionize matter by colliding with other electrons along its path. Other times, the passing gamma ray interferes with the orbit of the electron, and slows it, releasing energy but not becoming dislodged. The energy released is usually heat or another, weaker proton, and causes serious biological harm to the body such as skin cancer and other form of endo cancer. Radiography is a very important technique in the medical world but also dangerous if not used correctly on a patient. Before using one of the machines we had to disinfect ourselves, tie up loose hair, cover the ones that couldnt be tied up and wear protective clothes such as coveralls eye goggles and gloves. I was introduced to all the patients by my supervisor as a radiography student; some of them I took their x-ray with supervision and some I watched as theirs were taken and some were done with both my supervisor and I. the ones I did by myself with supervision I had to ask for their consent before doing anything on them some of them werent sure and some had no problem, for those who werent sure were the ones that was done with the supervisor and I; and for those who had no problem, I asked for their consent personally and was still feeling that in case the patient decide to take action against me I may be in danger of laws such as the right to self-determination in which adults h ave the right to determine what is done to their bodies and touching a person without consent is basically unlawful and can amount to trespass to them or, more rarely, a criminal assault Griffith, R., Tegnah, C. (2008) this made me really nervous and coming up with different thoughts of thing going wrong and might do something slightly wrong and end up becoming really disastrous. The analysis of the reflective process, the need to attend to feelings and attitudes (making use of positive feeling and then dealing with negative feeling) was apparent throughout and required self-awareness. The relieving aspect of the experience was the fact that all the patients I dealt with, with or without supervision fully co-operated without any difficulty and technicality, as they didnt have much choice to decline task I was going to do for them but to consent to the treatment because it was in their best interest; but they still had to be respected as patients and clients autonomy and their rights to decide whether or not to undergo any health care with use of medical equipments/machine intervention-even where a refusal may result in harm or death to themselves, unless a court of law orders to the contrary. The other option I had was not to personally asked patients that were dealt with by me for their consents and carry on with my task at the risk actions taken against me. Imposition of treatment upon a competent patient against their wishes may constitute inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Such option might have been counterproductive and detrimental to my career in the invent that any of the patients decide to take legal action against me (Tingle .J. and Cribb .A. 2007). I was classified as a very good and hardworking student, who was always willing to work at all times but needed to adjust on certain aspects such as hygiene skills and patience i.e. doing things properly without rushing them through, which I did improve on eventually; didnt get a few task done in the theoretical aspect but when it came to the practical aspect I was always willing to learn something new. Even in the practical I was still a bit shaking; but if I was to come back for another work placement and was told to do some if not most of the things I had done in my previous placement I believe there would be more care as I have gained more experience and knowledge of how to go about it. Reflection helps the practitioner to gain insight into self, be empowered to respond more effectively in similar situation in the future and realise your vision as a lived reality. In addition to that, reflection leads to learning certain skills and knowledge and development of attitudes and attri butes effective to make positive difference to the client To conclude, it has now become clear that reflection is a way to learn through experience and this helps the practitioner to gain insight or change his perception of himself or his practice. It is a good tool to describe, analyse and evaluate practice experience for future learning. Its major role in professional programme is learning but is also good for professional development and identifying learning needs. This essay has also made me to be aware of the factors that inhibit observation such as attention or its deficit, know-how, working condition and the need to know. It has made me to be aware of the fact that professional issues are normally composed of various important and co-relating issues. Issues There were lots issues faced while working at the hospital, mainly with the patients; most of the issues were to do with the reaction of people when it comes to the pronouncing of the names/surnames, some were just naturally mischievous and the rest were to do with unnecessary questions being asked and their slow rate of understand when explaining something to them. These issues were dealt with by just adapting to the environment as well as the different type of people that came; this has helped massively outside of the hospital. Another issue was between me and my supervisor we did have a few misunderstanding when it came to getting work done properly and in time, been told off several times, embarrassed in front of other colleagues e.t.c but the only way out was to do what the supervisor wanted which was getting work done and up to standard as well as punctuality. Issue between other colleagues and I; I made new friends tried to be social with everybody in class, never had any grudge against anybody but some did. Which I ignored and tried as much as possible to stay away from them because didnt want anything hindering or standing between me and my degree in order to ruin my career. Whenever we needed to work in pair on a task I made sure I worked with the one that I social with the most and not the ones that had the grudge; the last thing needed while working in a hospital was conflict and being hypocritical. The major issue of all was doing course work while doing the work experience; during the 2 months work experience we were at some point required to get some course work / power point presentations created more pressure on us. We worked from 9am 5pm, knackered for the rest of the night so had to rest but not in this situation on some nights had to get some the coursework / presentation done. It was all down to time-management more work and less socialising, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, work an hour off each night was for investigations and the type up of the coursework, weekends most of the works were done including the rehearsal of the presentation as well as revision for upcoming examinations Dewey (1933) Donald Schà ¶n (1983) Goodman (1984, cited by jasper 2003) Griffith, R., Tegnah, C. (2008) Tingle .J. and Cribb .A. ( 2007).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Organizational Behavior (Work-Related Stress)

| Organizational Behavior| a) What are the major sources of work-related stress? b) Examine the role of gender in work-related stress| | | | Adnan Malik – H00133313 Chris Andrew D’Silva – H00115516 Muhammad Mohsin – H00114888 Muhammad Hammad Malik – 091616937 Word Count: 2200 Date: 27/10/2012 | This essay aims to discuss major sources of work-related stress and provide an analysis of the reasons that cause stress among both males and females, and whether similarities exist between them. So, what is stress? Comprehensively, stress is a typical instinctive reaction to situations that make one feel pressured or agitated in any way.For instance, when a person senses any sort of threat, he/she delivers an automatic stress response or the â€Å"fight or flight† reaction. Thus, this reaction is the body’s means to protect themself. Moreover, stress can help a person to remain attentive and focussed during their course of work, and aid them to complete tasks or meet deadlines. In case of an emergency, stress can also help one defend or protect their life. Beyond a particular level however, stress is no longer helpful and begins to cause damage to one’s health, productivity and lifestyle (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2000).Therefore, it is important to determine when one undergoes stress, the reasons for it as well as the many ways through which, they can cope with it. All this can improve their psychological and mental well-being significantly. As identified by The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) using Palmer Et Al and Cary Cooper’s developments of the working models of work-related stress, there are six significant likely sources of stress or stressors at a work place in general.These are: work demands, work relationships, a person’s control over work, an individual’s role within an organization, career development and the interface between home and work. To begin wit h, work demands and physical demands consist of stressors that are constitutive to the job. These include working environments, workload (overload and underload), working hours and even technology to a certain extent. Working environments: It is obvious that undesirable working settings such as workplaces with high levels of noise, bad lightings or extreme temperature can stress workers and down their performances.Furthermore, this can give rise to mental as well as physical illnesses or disorders. Workload: employees usually endure a surplus of workload (work overload) or a deficit of workload (work under load). The two are quantitative and qualitative by nature and may result in elevated stress levels. Quantitative overload relates to circumstances wherein workers are required to do a lot more work in a stipulated time period and qualitative overload refers to situations in which workers believe that they would be unable to perform required tasks because they lack the ability or e xpertise needed.Likewise, quantitative and qualitative work under load also leads to stress, although, it may not be so evident. Quantitative under load occurs when workers tend to get bored as a result of having very little work with a lot of available time. Whereas qualitative under load relates to an employee’s feeling of reduced motivation due to their dull or monotonous job routine. Working hours: working for long hours can lead to stress; diminishing a worker’s productivity and consequently lead to mental or physical ill-health.A recent study states that working for 11 hours a day can increase possibilities of a heart disease due to high stress levels. The study features at the same level to individuals who smoke; individuals who have high cholesterol levels and even individuals with high blood pressure. Technology: similarly, reports have revealed that excessive use certain information technology (IT) in companies by its employees can also cause negative physiol ogical as well as psychological problems. Secondly, maintaining good, healthy relationships with superiors, subordinates and co-workers are very important at a work place.Frequent conflicts, trust issues, aggravation and oppression are all factors expected to elevate stress levels. Besides this, in most cases, when individuals meet successes, they tend to abandon their ties with colleagues, friends and behaviour. This theory is called ‘status incongruity’. Undergoing such a negative transformation could lead to damaging effects, psychologically as well as physically. Further to this, an individual’s control over his/her work is another source of stress. Basically, it is a person’s authority and way in which they perform given tasks.High levels of stress are usually linked with low levels of one’s control over their job and vice versa. Fourthly, the individual’s role within an organisation: a prime cause of stress that is associated with the à ¢â‚¬Ëœjob role’ of an individual along with the demands made upon him/her. There are a number of ways through which this source of stress is one most workers usually face. These are: Role Conflict: a form of social conflict initiated by a person being obliged to play discrete and mismatched roles.Conflict of roles can arise at an individual level, wherein one person is required to take on separate roles for diverse groups, or in a workplace in which a person is needed to comply with several roles in one particular group. For example, an individual who undertakes the role of a worker as well as a supervisor endures role conflict. Role obscurity: this usually arises when a person lacks clarity about a job and is uncertain about the anticipated manner in which he/she should conduct themselves.For example, people generally tend to be quite stressed on the first day of work because they are not fully certain of their responsibilities or the way the company operates. Both role obsc urity and role conflict are highly related to increased stress levels and further lead to reduced levels of job satisfaction. Accountability for others and managerial stress: people who are accountable for other people in a workplace often suffer from increased stress compared to others. People responsible for this are usually managers or supervisors.For example, some managers of companies are responsible for the actions of their subordinates. They have to look into motivating and satisfying them in order to safeguard the interests of the company. Apart from this they’re personalities generally demand them to be very competitive, pressurized and contentious and such characteristics can prove damaging to their physical and mental state. Another potential stressor is the development of one’s career: an imperative source of stress that talks about job insecurity, over-promotion and under-promotion, acquisitions and mergers and occupational locking-in.Job insecurity: in mo st cases, an individual’s risk of losing his/her job or being unemployed is directly linked with various illnesses and health problems. Over-promotion & under-promotion: over-promotion refers to a situation in which an employee acquires responsibilities that surpass their abilities and skills and the latter refers to a situation, wherein an individual is not given enough responsibilities that meet his/her ability. Both such circumstances can lead to significant levels of stress and furthermore deteriorate a person’s psychological state. Acquisitions and mergers: these affect both executives (managers, directors etc. and subordinates who are then required to conform to the rules, objectives and manners of the new establishment. Occupational locking-in: this circumstance arises when a person is unable to shift from their current job. Lastly, the work and home interface, also known as the balance between work and life is a major source of work related stress that comprise s of events that take place external to the work place of an individual but embarks negative effects on his/her conduct at work. These events may be concerns associated to family, financial problems and opposing personal and company views.Role of gender in work-related stress: According to Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, stress is what we feel when we have to respond to a demand on our energy. Stress is a natural part of life, and occurs whenever there are significant changes in our lives, whether positive or negative. There are many situations that cause stress such as financial worries, work overload, unemployment, relationships, parenting, balancing work and family, caregiving, health problems, losses, holidays, competitiveness, peer pressure and lack of time (Canadian Mental Health Association, n. d. ).Workplace stress according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety is defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that can result from conflicts between job demands on the employee and the amount of control an employee has over meeting these demands (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and safety, 2000). Hoel, Zapf & Cooper have explained the reasons of workplace stress developing due to changing environments. They state that during the 1980’s work environments were transformed by globalization, privatization, process re-engineering, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures.With time a situation known as ‘burnout’ occurred. In the 1990’s the workplace suddenly changed. Firms started to downsize, delayer and flatten. As a result redundancy and organizational change occurred. Technology started shaping in which has increased the work pace and caused information overload. Consequently job intensification and work insecurity occurred (Hoel et al. , 2002). When it comes to gender, there are a number of wants both male and female desire. For males it is higher pay in order to increase their standard of living, and promotions to boost their status in society.What is more they require recognition for their work and more leisure time to be able to fulfil household commitments. On the other hand, for females they want to have flexible work timings since they take care of children and perform house duties. Moreover, they desire to work in an environment where they are supported and taken care of. As a result of this, they remain loyal to their job. Also, they want to work in a decent reputable firm where their ideas are appreciated and implemented which in turn increases their job performance.Lastly, they demand respect and trust from fellow subordinates. There are a number of reasons why individuals both male and female get work related stress. A detailed analysis of the factors that causes stress for both genders will be presented. For females, one factor that causes stress is balancing both life and work. This is difficult and tough to mana ge. The reason is due to being away from home and spending long hours at the office which causes them to miss their family and children. Another cause is procrastinating.This refers to leaving the project or assignment to the last minute which results in high levels of anxiety, tension and worry. Also, over-committing is another reason. This means that one has to try and think how he/she will fulfil least important priorities before moving onto the top priority tasks. In addition to this not setting priorities can cause high levels of stress. This means that the individual would feel that he/she is overworking. Both mental and physical overload occurs. Poor relationships with co-workers and subordinates can also be a contributing reason of stress. Without good elationships, assignments will be difficult to complete, teamwork is limited and strained, and it will be difficult to get assistance when required. Poor communication is another cause of stress. This refers to information bei ng misinterpreted, not understood; details omitted, which causes confusion, and re doing the work all over again. Lastly confusion on where certain documents are located is a factor for stress occurring. As a result of all these factors, women are more likely to report burnout, stress-related illness, or a desire to leave their jobs (International Labour Organization, 2001).In the case of males, job insecurity is one factor that causes stress. Due to economic changes and pressures the working environment is gradually decreasing over time. This is caused by reorganizations, mergers, takeovers; downsizing and other changes have become major players in creating stress. Moreover, higher demand of performance by chief operating officers is another factor. As employees get promoted there is a greater amount of workload, extremely long hours to work and high expectations all cause them to be both physically and mentally drained. Advanced technology is another reason.Managers expect that al l workers should increase productivity, speed and efficiency in completing their tasks. This is difficult for staff as they are under increased amounts of pressure. Adjusting to the new workplace can be a challenge to newer staff. This includes learning the proper styles of communication and getting to know co-workers, supervisors and bosses. This in turn causes stress. Lastly, personal problems are also another reason for stress. If there are difficulties at home, individuals tend to carry their issues to the workplace which leads them to being unfocused, depressed and having a lack of motivation to work.On comparing the reasons of stress for both males and females it can be noted that men tend to show physical deterioration as a response to stressful situations whereas women generally exhibit psychological symptoms (Wichert, 2002). To prevent stress in the workplace, companies adopt some methods. One method is to provide fitness and wellbeing programs such as reduced gym membershi p rates, playing sports, team building exercises, and providing play areas for mothers’ children. Also, by organizing company events, parties and social gatherings employees can enjoy themselves, have fun, and develop new relationships with ew people. In conclusion, stress cannot be totally prevented at the workplace but can be significantly reduced if the firms decide to implement stress-reducing measures such as fitness programs and fun, social events and team building exercises. Regardless of gender, both men and women tend to have work related stress but the level of stress for females is relatively higher than males mainly due to domestic responsibilities. Bibliography: Aziz, S. and Cunningham, J. (2008). Workaholism, work stress, work-life imbalance: exploring gender's role.. Gender in Management [online]. 23, p. 553-566.Available from: ;http://ezproxy1. hw. ac. uk:2147/journals. htm? articleid=1752041;. [Accessed 25 October 2012]. Melanie, B. (2005). Stress in the Work place: A General Overview of the Causes, the Effects, and the Solutions. Workplace Stress [online]. 1, p. 1-44. Available from: ;http://www. cmhanl. ca/pdf/Work Place Stress. pdf;. [Accessed 25 October 2012]. 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