Friday, December 27, 2019

The Anthropology Of Welfare And Social Protection - 809 Words

During my current position as a Teaching Associate (and Affiliated Lecturer) I wrote and delivered the core second-year course of eight lectures, and facilitated eight MPhil seminars, in Economic Anthropology. I also wrote and delivered two lectures concerning the anthropology of welfare and social protection, supervised over forty students for the papers SAN1, SAN2, S5 and SAN8, and supervised an undergraduate dissertation. My effectiveness as a lecturer is attested by a quantitative evaluation, in which I received 88% for how interesting the material was, and 90% for how clearly this material was presented. One part IIA student provided the following in their feedback form at the end of the SAN2 economic anthropology lecture course: â€Å"My favourite lectures of the year. I thought I didn’t like economic anthropology because I didn’t understand it. These lectures clearly explained concepts with a diverse range of ethnographies. I am now doing my dissertation in econ omic anthropology! Thank you!†. This quote encapsulates my approach to lecturing in which I clearly explain theoretical approaches using ethnographic examples. In some lectures I aim to provide a coherent overview of a particular topic, while in others I explicate particular concepts and theories using a more circumscribed set of literature. Aside from teaching economic anthropology and supervising students, I would also welcome the opportunity to teach research methods. I recently co-facilitated a five-dayShow MoreRelatedThe Full Time Position Of Teaching Associate960 Words   |  4 Pagesfollowing papers: SAN1, SAN2, SAN8, and S5 (SAN6). In addition to supervising, I have written and delivered eight core second year lectures on Economic Anthropology and two lectures on the anthropology of welfare and social protection. 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