Thursday, September 26, 2019

Writting paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Writting paper - Essay Example It is also found that the Ms. Werther favors certain surgeons and allots more time to their surgery than other. James Grover is the President of the hospital and needs the conflict to be resolved between the hospital administrator, Edward Hoffman, who argues that firing of the staff comes under his administration and Dr. Young, who asserts that he has authority over issues that compromise good medical practice and good patient care. There is role ambiguity between the role and duties of hospital administrator and chief of surgery. The controversary has risen due to the fact that heads of different departments of the organizations may take their role and duties literally without considering the needs and requirements of other department which may have direct impact on their performance outcome. In this case, the manner in which the staff of one department discharged her duty, adversely affected the performance of person of another department. This is a case of conflict of authority because Mr. Hoffman strongly objects to Dr. Young’s discharging a staff from her job as he believes that as administrator, his is responsible for quality patient care and the appointment and discharge of hospital staff. On the other hand, Dr. Young, who has fired Ms. Wether, believes that as head of surgery, he is entitled to fire a person from the job if he finds that his or her acts adversely affect the quality discharge of surgical duties properly of the medical practitioners or doctors. As a chief of surgery, Dr. Young has more knowledge about the highly technical and sensitive issue of surgical operations and clinical guidelines. He is also responsible for implementing the same in the hospital and therefore, he is empowered to act against any person as he sees appropriate to maintain high standard of medical ethics and services. Since Ms Werther was scheduling operation suite for surgical procedures that was not conducive to perform

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