Sunday, April 12, 2020

How does Shakespeare show the changing relationship between Juliet and her parents in Act 3 Scene 5 Essay Example

How does Shakespeare show the changing relationship between Juliet and her parents in Act 3 Scene 5 Paper Juliets relationship with her father at the beginning of the play was not a normal relationship between a father and a daughter in that period of time. Usually there was conflict between father and daughter as in many societies daughters were considered to be regarded as property, to be given marriage to the most suitable man who offers. Lord Capulet is not like this at the beginning of the play, he tells Paris that he considers Juliet to be far too young for marriage and that she is still a child. He asks him for her to have two more summers as a child left before marriage. He is very concerned that many young brides die from childbirth because they have married and had children far too early.But saying oer what I have said before:My child is yet a stranger in the world;She hath not seen the change of fourteen years;Let two more summers wither in their prideEre we may think her ripe to be a bride.However, Juliets relationship with her mother is totally different. Lady Capulet has ob viously never spent much time with Juliet and a prime example of this is when she goes to talk to Juliet about the noble Paris wanting to marry to her. In Act 1 Scene 3 Lady Capulet sends the nurse out but then when she realises that it would not be as easy as she thought it might be recalls her into the room so as to help her if she could not cope on her own. She also knows that Juliet and the Nurse have a much closer relationship than they do because the Nurse has been looking after Juliet for all of Juliets life. She was her wet-nurse and breast fed her when she was a baby. The Nurse has looked after her since. The language between Juliet and her mother is very formal; Madam, I am here. What is your will?This is the matter. Nurse, give leave a while;We must talk in secret. (NURSE begins to leave)Nurse, come back again;I have remembered me, thous hear our counsel.Thou knowst my daughters of a pretty age.At the beginning of the scene the atmosphere is tense as Romeo has only just l eft Juliets bed chambers. Before Lady Capulet enters her room, Juliet expresses her surprise at her mothers visit.Who is it that calls? It is my lady mother.Is she not down so late, or up so early?What unaccustomed cause procures her hither?This suggests that Lady Capulet does not naturally come to see her. It also suggests that there is a large distance between Juliet and her mother. The word unaccustomed tell us that Lady Capulets visit is strange and that it only happens rarely. Lady Capulet uses formal and blunt language which shows no affection. Even when Lady Capulet finds that Juliet is crying she is insensitive and uncaring. She tells her that she should stop this nonsense and get on with it. She expresses that no good can be done by all of this crying and that Tybalt will not be brought back by whatever she does. Therefore, have done. Whilst Juliet and her mother are having a conversation about Tybalts death and the villain that killed him, Juliet uses lots of double meanin gs and soliloquys to the audience.The word Villain is repeated over by both Juliet and Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet says it with the meaning of it being the person (Romeo) who killed Tybalt. However, Juliet is using this as a double meaning, so her mother hears what she wants to hear, but the truth is being spoken, just secretly. Lady Capulet continues all the way through the scene in a crisp and businesslike manner. She is very sure that they will get revenge on Romeo over what he did to Tybalt. There is irony and a shadow on the future when she speaks sometimes. That he shall keep Tybalt Company: when Lady Capulet is telling Juliet about the marriage that has been arranged she refers to her as her child.Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn,The gallant, young and noble gentleman,The County Paris, at Saint Peters church,Shall make thee a joyful bride.She warns Juliet that he will not be at all pleased and thinks that she knows how he will react. Lady Capulet tells Lord Capulet th e news grudgingly and she knows what his response will be. She lets him know that she disapproves. I would the fool were married to her grave! this is irony. Lady Capulets parting words to Juliet after Juliet has pleaded with her are orders and demands and she disowns her like Lord Capulet. Talk not to me, for Ill not speak a word: Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee. She confirms what Lord Capulet says. Shakespeare manipulates the audiences reaction to Juliet throughout this exchange is how Juliet kept talking to the audience as well as the characters on stage. And because the audience have more insight than most of the characters, their reaction is more sympathetic towards Juliet.Lord Capulet is in a good mood when he enters Juliets room. At first he sets a picture of a good day. The air doth drizzle dew. But when he realizes that Juliet is upset he automatically thinks that she is crying over her cousins death. He is concerned, but even though trying to comfort her, his ge neral message is to get on with it. He refers to Juliet as a small ship sailing on a stormy sea and that she cannot take it.How now, a conduit, girl? What, still in tears?Evermore showering? In one little bodyThou counterfeits a bark, a sea, a wind;For still thy eyes, which I may call the sea,Do ebb and flow with tears; the bark thy body is,Sailing in this salt flood; the winds thy sighs,Who raging with tears and they with them,Without a sudden calm will oversetThy tempest-tossed body.This mood is short lived as his tone changes abruptly. How now, wife! Have you deliverd to her our decree? This language is now very businesslike and to the point like Lady Capulets language. The word decree says that they have already decided and that it cannot be changed. Once Lady Capulet has told her husband that Juliet refuses to marry Paris lord Capulet expressive his disbelief, but it quickly turns into anger. He uses a series of rhetorical questions and repetition that expresses his disbelief.S oft, take me with you, take me with you, wife.How will she none? Doth she not give us thanks?Is she not proud? Doth she not count her blest,Unworthy as she is, that we have wroughtSo worthy a gentleman to be her bride?Juliet begins to try to explain but he dismisses it. How, how, chop logic! Lord Capulets anger increases very quickly. He echoes her words mimicking her explanations. He makes it very clear that he is disgusted in her. He uses language that refers to her as an animal. But fettle your fine joints he gets into an angry flow of insults t hat he hurls at her continuously. He uses repetition and alliteration, he threatens her, saying, I will make you go if you dont, and if you dont go I will disown you. Lady Capulet is shocked at how angry he is and she tries to intervene. Lord Capulet takes no notice of her and just ignores her. Juliet pleads to be heard out but he will not listen to her. He is on a tirade and just continues to throw insults at her, more every time that sh e tries to speak. His lines are full of abuse and orders, he is frightening and threatening. He uses three imperatives that mean the same thing, but it makes the speech flow better.Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!I tell thee what: get thee to church o Thursday,Or never after look me in the face:Speak not, reply not, do not answer me;My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blestThat God had lent us but this only child;But now I see this one is too much,And that we have a curse in having her.Out on her, hilding!The nurse tries to calm him down and tries to defend Juliet with a brave outburst even though she is horrified. Lord Capulet turns on to the Nurse instead, and he hurls insults at the Nurse instead. Lord Capulet is irrational because he is so angry. Finally he has no other witty remarks so he has one last huge rant at Juliet. It is jagged and broken up. There are mostly single syllable words and it is choppy. He creates a picture of a perfect Paris, and then co ntrasts him to Juliet. He mimics Juliet so as to humiliate her. There are again, more orders and more commands.

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