Saturday, January 4, 2020

Analysis Of Harold Pinter s The Lover - 2155 Words

META-DRAMA IN HAROLD PINTER S THE LOVER (1962) AND ALFRED FARAG S GAWAZ ALA WARAQET TALAQ (MARRIAGE ON A DIVORCE CONTRACT) (1973) The main aim of this paper is to study the concept of meta-drama in Harold Pinter s The Lover (1962) and Alfred Farag s Gawz Ala Waraqet Talaq (Marriage on A Divorce Contract) (1973). This paper will first examine the apparent reality of each play as a whole. This picture will be mainly based on the impressions, or prejudices, which the audience carries to theatre, either based on the foreknowledge of the theme of the play or even divination based on the title of the play. For, by means of the hermeneutic circle, not only do the parts lead to an understanding of the whole, but there must also be an understanding of the whole prior to the examination of the parts (Weinsheimer 14). When considering the two plays part by part, an effort will be made to bracket or suspend prejudices, and to observe the possible phenomenological perceptions as they pile upon one another .That is, as the specific aspects of ea ch play begin to show forth and inner meanings become integrated, philosophical insights may come to light, revealing different and possibly hidden layers of social, political, or philosophical interpretations. Finally, the parts will be reconstructed in order to demonstrate the relation of the two readings, (zahir and batin), upon one another and the relativity of interpretation. The word metatheatre was coinedShow MoreRelatedPhilippine Literature1635 Words   |  7 Pagesliterature that showed in their works that they are able to keep up with the literary and artistic trends of the US during that time. They were introduced to what was called the New Criticism. A method which emphasized close analysis of text and structure rather than analysis of social or biographical contexts. This paved the way for a new form of writing and that left the traditional social role it used to have during the revolutionary period. Literary works during this period was concerned moreRead MoreAlice Ma lsenior6001 Words   |  25 Pagesfighting for freedom, increased her dedication to become both a reflective and revolutionary author. Alice Malsenior Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, to Willie Lee and Minnie Tallulah Grant-Walker. Like many of Walker s fictional characters, she was the daughter of a sharecropper and the youngest of eight children (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Alice’s father had always taken education very seriously in an era where the schooling of black children, especiallyRead MoreLiterature and Language10588 Words   |  43 Pages1990) Helmut Hatzfeld was the first biographer of stylistics and his work in A Critical Bibliography of the New Stylistics (1953) was continued by Louis Milic’s Style and stylistics (1967), Richard Bailey and Dolores Burton’ s English Stylistics (1968) and James Bennett’ s A Bibliography of Stylistics and Related Criticism (1986). Until Helmut Hatzfeld brought out his bibiography the word â€Å"stylistics† had not appeared in the title of any English book about style although â€Å"stylistique† had appearedRead MoreAN ANALYSIS PAPER ON ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE SEAGULL AND THE CHERRY ORCHARD12092 Words   |  49 PagesHigh School Department A.Y. 2013-2014 In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements In English IV AN ANALYSIS PAPER ON ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE SEAGULL AND THE CHERRY ORCHARD Submitted to: Mrs. Joneth D. Vibar Submitted by: Vincent del Castillo IV-St.Francis of Assisi Outline of Analysis 1 Author’s Style 1.1 Anton Chekhov as a Playwright and Author of Short Stories 1.1.1 Russia’s best known Modern Playwright 1.1.1Read MoreSimplifying the Kosovo Conflict through Media Correspondents Essay example6476 Words   |  26 Pagesstill photos of his bunker bedroom and his harem and stories about his tendency to kill his lovers, especially those who could testify to his failures in bed (Shohat 148). By creating a more horrendous enemy, the media makes the other side seem even more heroic and moral. This way, the public is more inclined to be supportive of the war. â€Å"This kind of mass-mediated discourse discards political analysis in favor of melodramatic imagination of good vs. evil, in which the presumed final physicalRead Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words   |  79 Pages there is â€Å"a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.† Enlightening comments on the relationship of humor to wisdom were once made by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), perhaps the twentieth-century’s most influential U. S. theologian (and a favorite thinker of President Obama). Although Niebuhr generally agreed that humor stresses the incongruous, he also, like Chesterton and Solomon, linked it with humility. Humor is a proof of the capacity of the self to gain a vantage

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