Friday, May 15, 2020

My Presentation Was On Art - 966 Words

My presentation was on Art. I felt it was important because it is a big part of the world and without art our world would be so dual. Art starts way back used by cave mans it has a history to it. Without history there is no present day. Between the history and advantages and such I could go on and on about how useful it is. The invention in art such as the lead tube. It allowed for paint to stay fresh and not dry out. It was able to be portable which lead to many more artists painting outside. Artists would not have to make their paint each time and their pigments would remain the same. There are different styles such as Romantic style it is described to be around in the 1800’s. It gained popularity in France Britain in the early†¦show more content†¦Also known as Op art, is considered â€Å"Pictures that attack the eye.† It is a type of abstract art that relies on optical illusions to try and fool the eye of the viewer. The viewer must focus because the illusion may suggest one image, but upon closer inspection reveal something completely different. Another thing I talked about in my presentation is the discovery of perspective. Said to be discovered by architect Filippo Brunelleschi. He stated that objects shrink in size according to their position and distance from the eye. He was able to mathematically calculate the scale of objects within a painting in order to make them appear realistic. Many painters at that time then adopted that formula into their paintings. What is tempera painting? Tempera is also called egg tempera, it is a method of painting. The word â€Å"tempera† comes from Latin word temperature, meaning to mix in proportion. It uses water, egg yolks or whole eggs. Fresco painting is a technique of mural painting executed upon freshly laid, or wet lime plaster. Water is used as the pigment to merge with the plaster and setting of the plaster. The word fresco is Italian, it means â€Å"fresh†. The fresco technique has been employed since antiquity and is closely associated with Italian Renaissance painting. Popular use from Michelangelo and Raphael. Another type of painting is watercolor I think it is really pretty. Watercolor techniques are

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