Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tourism in Nova Scotia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism in Nova Scotia - Case Study Example Shirley Young, Lelang Ott and Barbara Fergin have identified six distinct market segments from among all Americans travelers who visit Canada. This information has been published in a paper titled "Some Practical Consideration in Market Segmentation", which appeared in the August 1978 issue of the Journal of Marketing (Czinkota, Ronkainen. P-633). Of the six segments that have been identified four segments can be recognized as being a prospective customer base for Nova Scotia. The benefit Matching model suggests that Nova Scotia has all possible attributes that can satisfy travelers from each of the four prospective segments (See Table Below). Nova Scotia is a land of contrast therefore it can provide a variety of benefits to visitors. The entire province has a long scenic coastline with the Bay of Fundy serving as a special attraction because of unusually high high-tides that occur in the region. The interior of the province has natural forests and mountain ranges which allow visitors to observe the wild life or enjoy a memorable trekking and cycling experience. The rich history and the cultural heritage of the province provide foreigners with a unique experience. The extensive coastline presents abundant options for any one seeking water sports. Due to the diverse benefits that it offers Nova Scotia can provide a 100% satisfaction where benefits are concerned. (Destination Southwest Therefore a super match is obtained for each of the four market segments when the benefit matching model is applied (See Table Above). Family Sightseers, Outdoor Vacationers, resort Vacationers and Foreign Vacationers constitute 70% of the total US citizens who visit Nova Scotia. Therefore these segments are vital for Nova Scotia and the promotional campaign must be designed with this in mind. An Analysis of Prior Positioning Attempts for Promotion of Tourism in Nova Scotia and Recommendations for Improvement of Promotional Strategy There has never been constancy in the promotional strategy implemented by Nova Scotia's tourism authority. The frequent change in positioning has resulted in minimum impact where rise in market share is concerned; lack of constancy has also contributed to creating a confused image of the province in the minds of its potential customers. The earlier promotions have concentrated on benefits without any concern for the uniqueness of the place. Some examples of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Contrast the factors a qualitative Essay Example for Free

Contrast the factors a qualitative Essay There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the size of the sample used in a study, and there are many aspects to take into consideration. Contrast the factors a qualitative and quantitative researcher must consider when determining the sample size. How does the sample size impact the study? â€Å"Quantitative researchers seek to select samples that will allow them to achieve statistical conclusion validity and to generalize their results† (Polit 2012, p. 273). And as our text reminds us there is no simple formula to tell you how large a sample is needed for a study. The general recommendation our text gives us is â€Å"the largest sample size possible. † The larger sample size that is used increases the validity of the research. So in turn the smaller the sample size for either study increases the sampling error. The researcher should comparing characteristics of the study in relation to the variable, dependent and independent. The size for most studies â€Å"depends on the magnitude of the expected effect size, which is usually quantified by a relative risk, odds ratio, absolute risk difference, hazard ratio, or difference between two means or medians. The smaller the true-effect size, the larger the study needs to be (Hackshaw, 2008, p. 1141). References Hackshaw, A. (2008, November 1, 2008). Small studies: strengths and limitations. European Respiratory Journal, 32(5), 1141-1145. http://dx. doi. org/10. 1183/09031936. 00136408 This discussion will revolve around the topic of control. In quantitative studies, control is an important issue. What does control mean in research? Why is it important? What do you think is meant by controlling intrinsic and extrinsic variables? Give examples of effective ways to control variables in quantitative research. In qualitative research In research control is a variable in a study that usually remains constant. This variable is what the study results are compared to. This control is what helps the researcher to know if the study was performed correctly or appropriately. When we think about controlling intrinsic and extrinsic variables first we must know what these things are. By definition extrinsic means (Dictionary. com, 2013): being outside a thing; outward or external; operating or coming from without. Intrinsic means: belonging to a thing by its very nature.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Crime Scene Investigation Essay -- Media, TV Show

Every week more than 60 million Americans turn their television sets to tune to the popular crime investigation drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation or one of its countless spin offs, which have become increasingly popular among the American public (Shelton, n.d.). The show has been a top rated drama since it was first aired in 2001, it has received several Emmy nominations, and many even claimed it has lead to the considerable increase in college students studying forensic science. Recently however, despite its many achievements several newspapers and magazine articles began warning about the impact the shows influence is having on our criminal justice system; they referred to the phenomenon as the CSI Effect. Max Houck, Director of the Forensic Science Initiative at West Virginia University, explains the CSI effect as â€Å"basically the perception of the near-infallibility of forensic science in response to the TV show† ( Podlas, 2010, p. 99). The concern among criminal jus tice experts and prosecutors is that the so called CSI effect creates unrealistic expectations that every case must be solved with high tech forensic tests, which they believe, has a significant impact on juror decision making. Exposure to the dramatized and fictional depiction of crime solving portrayed by these television shows has had a significant impact on viewer’s conception of reality, which has negatively altered the expectation of jurors and influenced jury verdicts. In order to comprehend the impact of television crime dramas on the criminal justice system, it is important to understand how the CSI effect operates. The relationship between entertainment programming and viewer beliefs is based on the media theory of cultivation. The cultivation theor... ... more than twelve million people tuning in to watch CSI (Shelton, n.d.), and with science and technology continuing to evolve so rapidly, we will continue to see a substantial influence on American criminal justice through their impacts on potential juror expectations. Our criminal justice system should seek to adapt to these changes as supposed to fight them, the way the system is set up juror verdicts are expected to be a reflection of our society’s values. With those value will change and jury verdict will reflect those changes in popular culture. In adapting to such changes, we must invest in funding and training law enforcement to collect and analyze scientific evidence. While we adapt to those changes it is crucial that the jury is carefully instructed about the nature of such evidence as well as properly selected by a Voir Dire process to identify biases.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Math Every Day

It occurs to me that learning mathematics, especially calculus and other forms of higher mathematics, is much like learning a foreign language. Math starts out like a foreign language, having its own symbols, definitions, applications, and structures. It is difficult to use at first and requires repetition, like a new language. One needs to memorize symbols, their functions and many rules, and then one needs to practice by working many problems. Learners cannot be comfortable with new languages (mathematics) until they can use it repeatedly, consistently, and successfully. Calculus, or a new language, is already existent and the learner needs to adapt to it and work in it; the new material will not adapt to the learner. One learns a language by listening to others and by reading, using a dictionary, learning the language rules, and what breaks any or all of those rules. Calculus is similar. After much practice, students can communicate with others in their new language and expand their abilities with more practice and use, just as in mathematics. Those with a good foundation via formal instruction are clearly better at than those that pick it up here and there, intermittently.   The first can be understood and the second become lost. Less well-trained learners are limited in the range and layering of meaning their communication can involve and do not have the tools for even higher levels of language (mathematics) learning. A strong foundation prepares the new language speaker or the new calculus student for the next step in their subject’s discipline and for later innovation, research, and invention in that discipline. Mathematics and language are the same — They have formulas and patterns; they are communication and they are beautiful (e.g. fractal patterns and poetry). Perhaps this is the reason that the films â€Å"Close encounters of the third kind† used music (very mathematical) and â€Å"Contact† used mathematics as the forms of communication that proved successful between aliens and earth people.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Feminist Approach to Witchcraft; Case Study: Miller’s the Crucible

Title: Re(dis)covering the Witches in Arthur Miller's The Crucible: A Feminist Reading Author(s): Wendy Schissel Publication Details: Modern Drama 37. 3 (Fall 1994): p461-473. Source: Drama Criticism. Vol. 31. Detroit: Gale. From Literature Resource Center. Document Type: Critical essay Bookmark: Bookmark this Document Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, Cengage LearningTitle Re(dis)covering the Witches in Arthur Miller's The Crucible: A Feminist Reading [(essay date fall 1994) In the following essay, Schissel offers a feminist reading of The Crucible, in an effort to deconstruct â€Å"the phallologocentric sanctions implicit in Miller's account of Abigail's fate, Elizabeth's confession, and John's temptation and death. ] Arthur Miller's The Crucible is a disturbing work, not only because of the obvious moral dilemma that is irresolutely solved by John Proctor's death, but also because of the treatment that Abigail and Elizabeth receive at Miller's hands and at the hands of critics. In forty years of criticism very little has been said about the ways in which The Crucible reinforces stereotypes of femme fatales and cold and unforgiving wives in order to assert apparently universal virtues. It is a morality play based upon a questionable androcentric morality.Like Proctor, The Crucible â€Å"[roars] down† Elizabeth, making her concede a fault which is not hers but of Miller's making: â€Å"It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery,†1 she admits in her final meeting with her husband. Critics have seen John as a â€Å"tragically heroic common man,†2 humanly tempted, â€Å"a just man in a universe gone mad,†3 but they have never given Elizabeth similar consideration, nor have they deconstructed the phallologocentric sanctions implicit in Miller's account of Abigail's fate, Elizabeth's confession, and John's temptation and death.As a feminist reader of the 1990s, I am troubled by the unrecognized fallout from the existential humanism that Mille r and his critics have held dear. The Crucible is in need of an/Other reading, one that reveals the assumptions of the text, the author, and the reader/critic who â€Å"is part of the shared consciousness created by the [play]. â€Å"4 It is time to reveal the vicarious enjoyment that Miller and his critics have found in a cathartic male character who has enacted their exual and political fantasies. The setting of The Crucible is a favoured starting point in an analysis of the play. Puritan New England of 1692 may indeed have had its parallels to McCarthy's America of 1952,5 but there is more to the paranoia than xenophobia–of Natives and Communists, respectively. Implicit in Puritan theology, in Miller's version of the Salem witch trials, and all too frequent in the society which has produced Miller's critics is gynecophobia–fear and distrust of women.The â€Å"half dozen heavy books† (36) which the zealous Reverend Hale endows on Salem â€Å"like a bridegro om to his beloved, bearing gifts† (132) are books on witchcraft from which he has acquired an â€Å"armory of symptoms, catchwords, and diagnostic procedures† (36). A 1948 edition of the 1486 Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), with a foreword by Montague Summers, may have prompted Miller's inclusion of seventeenth-century and Protestant elucidations upon a work originally sanctioned by the Roman Church. Hale's books would be â€Å"highly misogynic† tomes, for like the Malleus they would be premised on the belief that â€Å"‘All witchcraft comes from carnal lust which in women is insatiable. ‘†7 The authors of the Maleus, two Dominican monks, Johan Sprenger and Heinrich Kraemer, were writing yet another fear-filled version of the apocryphal bad woman: they looked to Ecclesiasties which declares the wickedness of a woman is all evil †¦ there is no anger above the anger of a woman. It will be more agreeable to abide with a lion and a dr agon, than to dwell with a wicked woman †¦ rom the woman came the beginning of sin, and by her we all die. (25:17, 23, 33) The Crucible is evidence that Miller partakes of similar fears about wicked, angry, or wise women; even if his complicity in such gynecophobia is unwitting–and that is the most generous thing we can accord him, a â€Å"misrecognition† of himself and his reputation-conscious hero John as the authors of a subjectivity8 which belongs exclusively to men–the result for generations of readers has been the same.In Salem, the majority of witches condemned to die were women. Even so, Salem's numbers were negligible9 compared with the gynocide in Europe: Andrea Dworkin quotes a moderate estimate of nine million witches executed at a ratio of women to men of as much as 100 to 1. 10 Miller assures us in one of his editorial and political (and long and didactic) comments, that despite the Puritans' belief in witchcraft, â€Å"there were no witchesà ¢â‚¬  (35) in Salem; his play, however, belies his claim, and so do his critics.The Crucible is filled with witches, from the wise woman/healer Rebecca Nurse to the black woman Tituba, who initiates the girls into the dancing which has always been part of the communal celebrations of women healers/witches. 11 But the most obvious witch in Miller's invention upon Salem history is Abigail Williams. She is the consummate seductress; the witchcraft hysteria in the play originates in her carnal lust for Proctor. Miller describes Abigail as â€Å"a strikingly beautiful girl †¦ ith an endless capacity for dissembling† (8-9). In 1953, William Hawkins called Abigail â€Å"an evil child†;12 in 1967, critic Leonard Moss said she was a â€Å"malicious figure† and â€Å"unstable†;13 in 1987, June Schlueter and James Flanagan proclaimed her â€Å"a whore,†14 echoing Proctor's â€Å"How do you call Heaven! Whore! Whore! † (109); and in 1989, Bernard Dukore suggested that â€Å"if the ‘strikingly beautiful' Abigail's behaviour in the play is an indication, she may have been the one to take the initiative. 15 The critics forget what Abigail cannot: â€Å"John Proctor †¦ took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart! † (24). They, like Miller, underplay so as not openly to condone the â€Å"natural† behaviour of a man tempted to adultery because of a young woman's beauty and precociousness, her proximity in a house where there is also an apparently frigid wife, and the repression of Puritan society and religion. Abigail is a delectable commodity in what Luce Irigaray has termed a â€Å"dominant scopic economy. 16 We are covertly invited to equate John's admirable rebellion at the end of the play–against the unconscionable demands of implicating others in a falsely acknowledged sin of serving that which is antithetical to community (the Puritans called that antithesis the devil)–with h is more self-serving rebellion against its sexual mores. The subtle equation allows Miller not only to project fault upon Abigail, but also to make what is really a cliched act of adultery on John's part much more interesting.Miller wants us to recognize, if not celebrate, the individual trials of his existential hero, a â€Å"spokesman for rational feeling and disinterested intelligence† in a play about â€Å"integrity and its obverse, compromise. â€Å"17 Mary Daly might describe the scholarly support that Miller has received for his fantasy-fulfilling hero as â€Å"The second element of the Sado-Ritual [of the witch-craze] †¦ [an] erasure of responsibility. â€Å"18 No critic has asked, though, how a seventeen-year-old girl, raised in the household of a Puritan minister, can have the knowledge of how to seduce a man. The only rationale offered scapegoats another woman, Tituba, complicating gynecophobia with xenophobia. ) The omission on Miller's and his critics' p arts implies that Abigail's sexual knowledge must be inherent in her gender. I see the condemnation of Abigail as an all too common example of blaming the victim. Mercy Lewis's reaction to John is another indictment of the sexual precociousness of the girls of Salem. Obviously knowledgeable of John and Abigail's affair, Mercy is both afraid of John and, Miller says, â€Å"strangely titillated† as she â€Å"sidles out† of the room (21).Mary Warren, too, knows: â€Å"Abby'll charge lechery on you, Mr. Proctor† (80), she says when he demands she tell what she knows about the â€Å"poppet† to the court. John is aghast: â€Å"She's told you! † (80). Rather than condemning John, all these incidents are included to emphasize the â€Å"vengeance of a little girl† (79), and, I would add, to convince the reader who is supposed to sympathize with John (or to feel titillation himself) that no girl is a â€Å"good girl,† free of sexual knowledge, that each is her mother Eve's daughter.The fact is, however, that Salem's young women, who have been preached at by a fire and brimstone preacher, Mr. Parris, are ashamed of their bodies. A gynocritical reading of Mary Warren's cramps after Sarah Good mumbles her displeasure at being turned away from the Proctor's door empty-handed is explainable as a â€Å"curse† of a more periodic nature: But what does she mumble? You must remember, Goody Proctor. Last Month–a Monday, I think–she walked away, and I thought my guts would burst for two days after. Do you remember it? 58) The â€Å"girls† are the inheritors of Eve's sin, and their bodies are their reminders. Though, like all young people, they find ways to rebel–just because adolescence did not exist in Puritan society does not mean that the hormones did not flow–they are seriously repressed. And the most insidious aspect of that repression, in a society in which girls are not considered wome n until they marry (as young as fourteen, or significantly, with the onset of menses), is the turning of the young women's frustrations upon members of their own gender.It is not so strange as Proctor suggests for â€Å"a Christian girl to hang old women! † (58), when one such Christian girl claims her position in society with understandable determination: â€Å"I'll not be ordered to bed no more, Mr. Proctor! I am eighteen and a woman, however single! † (60). Paradoxically, of course, the discord only serves to prove the assumptions of a parochial society about the jealousies of women, an important aspect of this play in which Miller makes each woman in John's life claim herself as his rightful spouse: Elizabeth assures him that â€Å"I will be your only wife, or no wife at all! (62); and Abigail makes her heart's desire plain with â€Å"I will make you such a wife when the world is white again! † (150). To realize her claim Abigail has sought the help of vood oo–Tituba's and the court's–to get rid of Elizabeth, but not without clear provocation on John's part. Miller misses an opportunity to make an important comment upon the real and perceived competitions for men forced upon women in a patriarchal society by subsuming the women's concerns within what he knows his audience will recognize as more admirable communal and idealistic concerns.The eternal triangle motif, while it serves many interests for Miller, is, ultimately, less important than the overwhelming nobility of John's Christ-like martyrdom; against that the women's complaints seem petty indeed, and an audience whose collective consciousness recognizes a dutifully repentent hero also sees the women in his life as less sympathetic. 19 For Abigail and Elizabeth also represent the extremes of female sexuality–sultriness and frigidity, respectively–which test a man's body, endanger his spirit, and threaten his â€Å"natural† dominance or needs.In order to make Abigail's seductive capability more believable and John's culpability less pronounced, Miller has deliberately raised Abigail's age (â€Å"A Note on the Historical Accuracy of This Play†) from twelve to seventeen. 20 He introduces us to John and Abigail in the first act with John's acknowledgement of her young age. Abby–the diminutive form of her name is not to be missed–is understandably annoyed: â€Å"How do you call me child! † (23). We already know about his having â€Å"clutched† her back behind his house and â€Å"sweated like a stallion† at her every approach (22).Despite Abigail's allegations, Miller achieves the curious effect of making her the apparent aggressor in this scene–as critical commentary proves. Miller's ploy, to blame a woman for the Fall of a good man, is a sleight of pen as old as the Old Testament. There is something too convenient in the fact that â€Å"legend has it that Abigail turned up late r as a prostitute in Boston† (â€Å"Echoes Down the Corridor†). Prostitution is not only the oldest profession, but it is also the oldest evidence for the law of supply and demand. Men demand sexual services of women they in turn regard as socially deviant.Miller's statement of Abigail's fate resounds with implicit forgiveness for the man who is unwittingly tempted by a fatal female, a conniving witch. Miller's treatment of Abigail in the second scene of Act Two, left out of the original reading version and most productions but included as an appendix in contemporary texts of the play, is also dishonest. Having promised Elizabeth as she is being taken away in chains that â€Å"I will fall like an ocean on that court! Fear nothing† (78)–at the end of the first scene of Act Two–John returns to Abigail, alone and at night.The scene is both anticlimactic and potentially damning of the hero. What may have begun as Miller's attempt to have the rational Jo hn reason with Abigail, even with the defense that Elizabeth has adjured him to talk to her (61)–although that is before Elizabeth is herself accused–ends in a discussion that is dangerous to John's position in the play. Miller wants us to believe, as Proctor does â€Å"seeing her madness† when she reveals her self-inflicted injuries, that Abigail is insane: â€Å"I'm holes all over from their damned needles and pins† (149).While Miller may have intended her madness to be a metaphor for her inherent evil–sociologists suggest that madness replaced witchcraft as a pathology to be treated not by burning or hanging but by physicians and incarceration in mental institutions21–he must have realized he ran the risk of making her more sympathetic than he intended. Miller is intent upon presenting John as a man haunted by guilt and aware of his own hypocrisy, and to make Abigail equally aware, even in a state of madness, is too risky.Her long speech about John's â€Å"goodness† cannot be tolerated because its irony is too costly to John. Why, you taught me goodness, therefore you are good. It were fire you walked me through, and all my ignorance was burned away. It were a fire, John, we lay in fire. And from that night no woman dare call me wicked any more but I knew my answer. I used to weep for my sins when the wind lifted up my skirts; and blushed for shame because some old Rebecca called me loose. And then you burned my ignorance away. As bare as some December ree I saw them all–walking like saints to church, running to feed the sick, and hypocrites in their hearts! And God gave me strength to call them liars, and God made men to listen to me, and by God I will scrub the world clean for the love of Him! (150)22 We must not forget, either, when we are considering critical commentary, that we are dealing with an art form which has a specular dimension. The many Abigails of the stage have no doubt contributed to the unacknowledged view of Abigail as siren/witch that so many critics have.In Jed Harris's original production in 1953, in Miller's own production of the same year (to which the later excised scene was first added), and in Laurence Olivier's 1965 production, Abigail was played by an actress in her twenties, not a young girl. The intent on each director's part had to have been to make Abigail's lust for John believable. Individual performers have consistently enacted the siren's role: The eyes of Madeleine Sherwood, who played Abigail in 1953, glowed with lust †¦ [but] Perhaps the most impressive Abigail has been that of Sarah Miles in 1965. A â€Å"plaguingly sexy mixture of beauty and crossness† †¦Miles â€Å"reeks with the cunning of suppressed evil and steams with the promise of suppressed passion. â€Å"23 Only the 1980 production of The Crucible by Bill Bryden employed girls who looked even younger than seventeen. Dukore suggests that Bryden's solution to th e fact that John's â€Å"seduction of a teenage girl half his age appears not to have impressed [critics] as a major fault† was â€Å"ingenious yet (now that he has done it) obvious. â€Å"24 Abigail is not the only witch in Miller's play, though; Elizabeth, too, is a hag. But it is Elizabeth who is most in need of feminist reader-redemption.If John is diminished as Christian hero by a feminist deconstruction, the diminution is necessary to a balanced reading of the play and to a revised mythopoeia of the paternalistic monotheism of the Puritans and its twentieth-century equivalent, the existential mysticism of Miller. John's sense of guilt is intended by Miller to act as salve to any emotional injuries given his wife and his own conscience. When his conscience cannot be calmed, when he quakes at doing what he knows must be done in revealing Abigail's deceit, it is upon Elizabeth that he turns his wrath: Spare me! You forget nothin' and forgive nothin'.Learn charity, woman. I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart. I cannot speak but I am doubted, every moment judged for lies, as though I come into a court when I come into this house. (54-55) What we are meant to read as understandably defensive anger–that is if we read within the patriarchal framework in which the play is written–must be re-evaluated; such a reading must be done in the light of Elizabeth's logic–paradoxically, the only â€Å"cold† thing about her.She is right when she turns his anger back on him with â€Å"the magistrate sits in your heart that judges you† (55). She is also right on two other counts. First, John has â€Å"a faulty understanding of young girls. There is a promise made in any bed† (61). The uninitiated and obviously self-punishing Abigail may be excused for thinking as she does (once again in the excised scene) that he is â€Å"singing secret hallelujahs that [his] wife will hang! † (152) Second, John does retain some tender feelings for Abigail despite his indignation.Elizabeth's question reverberates with insight: â€Å"if it were not Abigail that you must go to hurt, would you falter now? I think not† (54). John has already admitted to Abigail–and to us–in the first act that â€Å"I may think of you softly from time to time† (23), and he does look at her with â€Å"the faintest suggestion of a knowing smile on his face† (21). And John's use of wintry images of Elizabeth and their home in Act Two–â€Å"It's winter in her yet† (51)–echoes the imagery used by Abigail in Act One. 25 John is to Abigail â€Å"no wintry man,† but one whose â€Å"heat† has drawn her to her window to see him looking up (23).She is the one who describes Elizabeth as â€Å"a cold, snivelling woman† (24), but it is Miller's favoured imagery for a stereotypically frigid wife who is no less a witch (in patriarchal lore) than a hot-blooded sperm-stealer like Abigail. Exacerbating all of this is the fact that John lies to Elizabeth about having been alone with Abigail in Parris's house; Miller would have us believe that John lies to save Elizabeth pain, but I believe he lies out of a rationalizing habit that he carries forward to his death. Miller may want to be kind to Elizabeth, but he cannot manage that and John's heroism, too.Act Two opens with Elizabeth as hearth angel singing softly offstage to the children who are, significantly, never seen in the play, and bringing John his supper–stewed rabbit which, she says, â€Å"it hurt my heart to strip† (50). But in the space of four pages Miller upbraids her six times. First, John â€Å"is not quite pleased† (49) with the taste of Elizabeth's stew, and before she appears on stage he adds salt to it. Second, th ere is a â€Å"certain disappointment† (50) for John in the way Elizabeth receives his kiss. Third, John's request for â€Å"Cider? made â€Å"as gently as he can† (51) leaves Elizabeth â€Å"reprimanding herself for having forgot† (51). Fourth, John reminds Elizabeth of the cold atmosphere in their house: â€Å"You ought to bring flowers in the house †¦ It's winter in here yet† (51). Fifth, John perceives Elizabeth's melancholy as something perennial: â€Å"I think you're sad again† (51, emphasis added). And sixth, and in a more overtly condemning mood, John berates Elizabeth when he discovers that she has allowed Mary Warren to go to Salem to testify: â€Å"It is a fault, it is a fault, Elizabeth–you're the mistress here† (52).Cumulatively, these criticisms work to arouse sympathy for a man who would season his meal, his home, and his amour, a man who is meant to appeal to us because of his sensual awareness of spring's erotic promise: â€Å"It's warm as blood beneath the clods† (50), and â€Å"I never see such a load of flowers on the earth. †¦ Lilacs have a purple smell. Lilac is the smell of nightfall† (51). We, too, are seasoned to believe that John really does â€Å"[aim] to please† Elizabeth, and that Elizabeth is relentless in her admonishing of John for his affair, of which she is knowledgeable.It is for John that we are to feel sympathy when he says, â€Å"Let you look to your own improvement before you go to judge your husband more† (54). Miller has informed us of several ways in which Elizabeth could improve herself. Neil Carson claims that â€Å"Miller intends the audience to view Proctor ironically† in this scene; Proctor, he says, is â€Å"a man who is rationalising in order to avoid facing himself,† and at the beginning of Act Two â€Å"Proctor is as guilty as any of projecting his own faults onto others. 26 While I find much in Carson's enti re chapter on The Crucible as sensitive a criticism of the play as any written, I am still uncomfortable about the fact that a â€Å"tragic victory† for the protagonist27 necessarily means an admission of guilt for his wife–once again, it seems to me, a victim is being blamed. No critic, not even Carson, questions Miller's insistence that Elizabeth is at least partly to blame for John's infidelity. Her fate is sealed in the lie she tells for love of her husband because she proves him a liar: â€Å"as in All My Sons,† says critic Leonard Moss, â€Å"a woman inadvertently betrays her husband. 28 John has told several lies throughout the play, but it is Elizabeth's lie that the critics (and Miller) settle upon, for once again the lie fits the stereotype–woman as liar, woman as schemer, woman as witch sealing the fate of man the would-be hero. But looked at another way, Elizabeth is not a liar. The question put to her by Judge Danforth is â€Å"Is [present tense] your husband a lecher! † (113). Elizabeth can in good conscience respond in the negative for she knows the affair to be over. She has no desire to condemn the man who has betrayed her, for she believes John to be nothing but a â€Å"good man †¦ nly somewhat bewildered† (55). Once again, though, her comment condemns her because an audience hears (and Miller perhaps intends) condescension on her part. The patriarchal reading is invited by John's ironic response: â€Å"Oh, Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer! † (55). What seems to be happening is that Goody Proctor is turned into a goody two-shoes, a voice of morality. Why we should expect anything else of Elizabeth, raised within a Puritan society and a living example of its valued â€Å"good woman,† escapes me.I find it amazing that the same rules made but not obeyed by â€Å"good† men can be used to condemn the women who do adhere to them. The other thing which Miller and the criti cs seem unwilling to acknowledge is the hurt that Elizabeth feels over John's betrayal; instead, her anger, elicited not specifically about the affair but about the incident with the poppet, following hard upon the knowledge of Giles Corey's wife having been taken, is evidence that she is no good woman. Her language condemns her: â€Å"[Abigail] is murder! She must be ripped out of the world! † (76).Anger in woman, a danger of which Ecclesiastes warns, has been cause for locking her up for centuries. After Elizabeth's incarceration, and without her persistent logic, Miller is able to focus on John and his sense of failure. But Elizabeth's last words as she is taken from her home are about the children: â€Å"When the children wake, speak nothing of witchcraft–it will frighten them. She cannot go on. †¦ Tell the children I have gone to visit someone sick† (77-78). I find it strange that John's similar concerns when he has torn up the confession– "I have three children–how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my riends? † (143)–should be valued above Elizabeth's. Is it because the children are boys? Is it because Elizabeth is expected to react in the maternal fashion that she does, but for John to respond thus is a sign of sensitive masculinity? Is it because the communal as defined by the Word is threatened by the integrity of women? And why is maintaining a name more important than living? At least alive he might attend to his children's daily needs–after all, we are told about the sad situation of the â€Å"orphans walking from house to house† (130). 9 It would be foolish to argue that John does not suffer–that, after all, is the point of the play. But what of Elizabeth's suffering? She is about to lose her husband, her children are without parents, she is sure to be condemned to death as well. Miller must, once again, diminish the threat that Elizabeth offers to John's martyrdom, for he has created a woman who does not lie, who her husband believes would not give the court the admission of guilt â€Å"if tongs of fire were singeing† her (138).Miller's play about the life and death struggle for a man's soul, cannot be threatened by a woman's struggle. In order to control his character, Miller impregnates her. The court will not sentence an unborn child, so Elizabeth does not have to make a choice. Were she to choose to die without wavering in her decision, as both John and Miller think she would, she would be a threat to the outcome of the play and the sympathy which is supposed to accrue to John.Were she to make the decision to live, for the reasons which Reverend Hale stresses, that â€Å"Life, woman, life is God's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it† (132), she would undermine existential integrity with compromise. I am not reading another version of The Crucible, one which Mi ller did not intend, but rather looking at the assumptions inherent in his intentions, assumptions that Miller seems oblivious to and which his critics to date have questioned far too little.I, too, can read the play as a psychological and ethical contest which no one wins, and of which it can be said that both John and Elizabeth are expressions of men and women with all their failings and nobility, but I am troubled by the fact that Elizabeth is seldom granted even that much, that so much is made of Elizabeth's complicity in John's adultery, and that the victim of John's â€Å"virility,†30 Abigail, is blamed because she is evil and/or mad. I do want to question the gender stereotypes in the play nd in the criticism that has been written about it. Let me indulge finally for a moment in another kind of criticism, one that is a fiction, or more precisely, a â€Å"crypto-friction† that defies â€Å"stratifications of canonical thought† and transgresses generic boun daries of drama/fiction and criticism. 31 Like Virginia Woolf I would like to speculate on a play written by a fictional sister to a famous playwright. Let us call Arthur Miller's wide-eyed younger sister, who believes she can counter a scopic economy by stepping beyond the mirror, Alice Miller.In Alice's play, Elizabeth and John suffer equally in a domestic problem which is exacerbated by the hysteria around them. John does not try to intimidate Elizabeth with his anger, and she is not described as cold or condescending. Abigail is a victim of an older man's lust and not inherently a â€Å"bad girl†; she is not beautiful or if she is the playwright does not make so much of it. Her calling out of witches would be explained by wiser critics as the result of her fear and her confusion, not her lust.There is no effort made in Alice's play to create a hero at the expense of the female characters, or a heroine at the expense of a male character. John is no villain, but–as a nother male victim/hero character, created by a woman, describes himself–â€Å"a trite, commonplace sinner,†32 trying to right a wrong he admits–without blaming others. Or, here is another version, written by another, more radical f(r)ictional sister, Mary Miller, a real hag. In it, all the witches celebrate the death of John Proctor.The idea comes from two sources: first, a question from a female student who wanted to know if part of Elizabeth's motivation in not pressing her husband to confess is her desire to pay him back for his betrayal; and second, from a response to Jean-Paul Sartre's ending for the film Les Sorcieres de Salem. In his 1957 version of John Proctor's story, Sartre identifies Elizabeth â€Å"with the God of prohibiting sex and the God of judgment,† but he has her save Abigail, who tries to break John out of jail and is in danger of being hanged as a traitor too, because Elizabeth realizes â€Å"‘she loved [John]. † As the film ends, â€Å"Abigail stands shocked in a new understanding. â€Å"33 In Mary Miller's version Elizabeth is not identified with the male God of the Word, but with the goddesses of old forced into hiding or hanged because of a renaissance of patriarchal ideology. Mary's witches come together, alleged seductress and cold wife alike, not for love of a man who does not deserve either, but to celebrate life and their victory over male character, playwright, and critics, â€Å"‘men in power' †¦ ho create and identify with the roles of both the victimizers and the victims,† men who Mary Miller would suggest â€Å"vicariously enjoyed the women's suffering. â€Å"34 Notes 1. Arthur Miller, The Crucible (New York, 1981), 137. The play was originally published in 1953, but all further references to The Crucible are to the 1981 Penguin edition, and will be noted parenthetically in the text. 2. June Schlueter and James K. Flanagan, Arthur Miller (New York, 1987), 68. 3. Neil Carson, Arthur Miller (New York, 1982), 61. 4. Sandra Kemp, â€Å"‘But how describe a world seen without self? Feminism, fiction and modernism,† Critical Quarterly 32:1 (1990), 99-118: 104. 5. Miller's interest in the Salem witchcraft trials predated his confrontation with McCarthyism (see E. Miller Budick, â€Å"History and Other Spectres in The Crucible,† Arthur Miller, ed. Harold Bloom (New York, 1987), 127-28, but it is also clear from the Introduction to Miller's Collected Plays Vol 1 (New York, 1957) that he capitalized upon popular response and critical commentary which linked the two. Miller has been, it seems, a favoured critic on the subject of Arthur Miller. 6. In 1929 George L.Kittredge published a work called Witchcraft in Old and New England (Cambridge) in which he remarked that â€Å"the doctrines of our forefathers differed [in regard to witchcraft] from the doctrines of the Roman and Anglican Church in no essential–one may safely ad d, in no particular† (21). In GynEcology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (Boston, 1978), Mary Daly says that during the European witch burnings–she does not deal with the Salem witch trials–Protestants â€Å"vied with and even may have surpassed their catholic counterparts in their fanaticism and cruelty† (185-86). . Cited by Peter Conrad and Joseph W. Schneider, Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness, expanded edition (Philadelphia, 1992), 42. 8. Chris Weedon, Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory (Oxford, 1987), 30-31. 9. â€Å"[N]ineteen women and men and two dogs were hanged, one man was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and 150 were imprisoned† (see Schlueter and Flanagan, 72). 10. â€Å"Remembering the Witches,† Our Blood: Prophecies and Discourses on Sexual Politics (London, 1982), 16-17.See also the 1990 National Film Board production, The Burning Times, directed by Donna Read, which declares the Euro pean executions for witchcraft to have been a â€Å"women's holocaust. † Of the nine million people the film numbers among the burned, hanged, or otherwise disposed of, 85 per cent, it reports, were women. 11. The Burning Times discusses at length the place of women healers in Third-World cultures. 12. From Hawkins's review of the play in File on Miller, ed. Christopher Bigsby (London, 1988), 30. 3. Leonard Moss, Arthur Miller (New York, 1967), 60, 63. 14. Schlueter and Flanagan, 69. 15. Bernard Dukore, â€Å"Death of a Salesman† and â€Å"The Crucible†: Text and Performance (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and London, 1989), 50. 16. Luce Irigaray, â€Å"This Sex Which Is Not One,† New French Feminisms: An Anthology, ed. Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron (Amherst, 1980), 101. 17. The only critic I have read who has made comments even remotely similar to my own regarding Abigail is Neil Carson.In a 1982 book he remarks that â€Å"Abigail is portr ayed as such an obviously bad piece of goods that it takes a clear-eyed French critic to point out that Proctor was not only twice the age of the girl he seduced, but as her employer he was breaking a double trust† (75). Despite his insight, when it comes to explaining the effect of Miller's omission of detail regarding the early stages of the affair, he does not, I think, realize its full implications.He says that â€Å"Proctor's sense of guilt [seems] a little forced and perhaps not really justified,† but I think the choice was deliberately made so as to minimize John's guilt and emphasize his redemption as an existential man. Conversely, Abigail is more easily targeted (as the critics prove) for her active role in her seduction. 18. Daly, 187. 19. Carol Billman (â€Å"Women and the Family in American Drama,† Arizona Quarterly 36: 1 [1980], 35-48) discusses the study of â€Å"everyman† made in the family dramas of O'Neill, Williams, Albee, and Miller (al though she does not mention The Crucible): â€Å"women ecessarily occupy a central position, [but] little attention is paid to their subordination or suffering. †¦ Linda Loman [and I would add Elizabeth Proctor] †¦ suffers at least as much as her husband† (36-7). Victoria Sullivan and James Hatch, as well, have complained about the standards of review: â€Å"‘a complaining female protagonist is automatically less noble than Stanley Kowalski or Willy Loman †¦ [only] men suffer greatly'† (quoted in Billman, 37, emphasis added). 20. Carson, 66.In a play that is historically accurate in so many ways, it is significant to note that the affair between John and Abigail was invented by Miller (Dukore, 43). 21. Conrad and Schneider, 43. 22. I think that whether or not one sees the irony as intentional on Abby's part, she becomes more sympathetic. If intentional we can agree with her realization that John's hypocrisy was least when he was seducing her; he is a commonplace lecher. If Abigail is not cognizant of the extent of the irony of what she is saying, then she truly is too young–or too emotionally disturbed–to understand the implications of what she is doing.Carson again comes close to making a very astute judgment about Abigail's awareness of events going on around her: â€Å"It seems clear that we are to attribute at least a little of Abby's ‘wildness' and sensuality to her relationship with John, and to assume that the ‘knowledge' which Proctor put in Abigail's heart is not simply carnal, but also includes some awareness of the hypocrisy of some of the Christian women and covenanted men of the community† (68). Carson's insight, however, is limited by his belief in the â€Å"‘radical' side of Proctor's nature,† something with which modern audiences are sure to identify.The problem here is that the focus is once more removed from Abigail's plight to her vicarious participation in one more of John Proctor's admirable traits, for his â€Å"is not a simple personality like that of Rebecca Nurse† (68). 23. Dukore, 102. 24. Ibid. , 95. 25. One critic, who celebrates John's â€Å"playfulness† and who does not want his description of John as a liar to be taken in a pejorative sense, suggests that John and Abigail share a kindred spirit: â€Å"The physical attractiveness of Abby for John Proctor is obvious in the play, ut, I think, so is the passionate imagination which finds its outlet in one way in her and in another in Proctor† (William T. Liston, â€Å"John Proctor's Playing in The Crucible,† Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 20:4 (1979), 394-403: 403). John is a liar–that is part of his guilt–and to suggest that Abigail offers John something that Elizabeth does not condemns Elizabeth and exonerates John even more than Miller intends. 26. Carson, 69-70. 27. Ibid. , 75. 28. Leonard Moss, Arthur Miller, revi sed edition (Boston, 1980), 40, emphasis added. 29.I think it significant that the orphans are but one of the wasted possessions unattended to in Salem. The next part of the same sentence mentions abandoned cattle bellowing and rotted crops stinking. Miller has described a material and contemporary world. 30. Richard Hayes, â€Å"Hysteria and Ideology in The Crucible,† Twentieth Century Interpretations of â€Å"The Crucible,† ed. John H. Ferres (Englewood Cliffs, 1972), 34. I find it interesting and instructive that a 1953 review of the play uses the term to describe Arthur Kennedy's portrayal of John Proctor. 31. Aritha Van Herk, In Visible Ink (crypto-frictions) (Edmonton, 1991), 14. 2. Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre (Harmondsworth, 1984), 160. 33. Eric Mottram, â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre's Les Sorcieres de Salem,† Twentieth Century Interpretations of â€Å"The Crucible,† 93, 94. 34. Daly, 215. Source Citation Schissel, Wendy. â€Å"Re(dis)covering the Witche s in Arthur Miller's The Crucible: A Feminist Reading. † Modern Drama 37. 3 (Fall 1994): 461-473. Rpt. in Drama Criticism. Vol. 31. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Literature Resource Center. Web. 27 July 2011. Document URL http://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? &id=GALE%7CH1420082425&v=2. 1&u=uq_stpatricks&it=r&p=LitRC&sw=w Gale Document Number: GALE|H1420082425

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Makes America Great

What Makes America Great I like America because there is opportunity here. I also like Americabecause of our government that is a democratic government. In other coun‚Â ¬tries, their government's are monarchies, or a dictatorship, or evenauthoritarian. Some countries are even capitalistic. Here we have the freedomto sell buy or trade anything that we want. Another reason that I like arecountry is that it is full of states. Many of the other counties don't have states.The privileges are vast because that we do. Some privileges are: you don'talways have to stay where you are you have the freedom to move. Now somestates have different laws but all are good here. Everyone in America has theright to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. If any of these rights aretaken away then you have the right to go to court. There are many differenttypes of courts.United Statesthere is a District court, a Circuit court, (the only one with ajury) , a Special Appeals court, and an Appeals court. The court that you wi llgo to depends on your situation. Our government is made up of three differentbranches. They are the Executive branch, Legislative branch and the Judicialbranch. All of these branches check one another so that there is no foul ups.The reason for the three branches is to split up the power and work. This isdone so that no one branch has more power that the other. I think that othersshould move to America because of the opportunity the U. S. has to offer.The U.S. has many jobs and schools. The schools in the U.S. are great theyteach you all that you would possibly want to know. I know that in somecountries the men can...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Vegetarianism

As we must go back to our origins, our beginnings, the â€Å"Garden of Eden† of our own individual lives in order to grasp truth and thus gain entry into the Kingdom, so must we adopt the childlike awe, wonder and respect for our non-human brethren which can be seen in the attitude of a child toward an animal before he or she has been spoiled by the inculturated norms of fear and dominance. Just as we may observe the child’s natural affinity toward animals and his or her early, innate sense of being in relation with them, we may also observe the child’s earliest reaction to the eating of meat. On first being introduced to the eating of meat in infancy, the natural response of a baby is to dislike its taste. Most children instinctively turn their heads away from this new, foul-smelling offer on the spoon. The baby must be taught to eat meat through daily conditioning. A similar response is repeated later when an older child learns that the main course on his or he r plate was once a cow or a pig or a chicken. The quick and strong reaction is one of revulsion- acceptance coming only through repeated assurances of the normalcy of this practice in the adult world. In the context of ‘becoming as children’ it is noteworthy that Isaiah uses images of children in relation with animals in his famous vision of the peaceable kingdom. As Via notes in his study of the pericope in Mark, (Mark 10: 13-16) the return to this childlike stance involves a certain amount of risk-taking in the abandonment of attitudes that the adult has come to accept. As the child must abandon security in order to become an adult and take risks, so the adult must retrace those early steps in the abandonment of the learned security of adulthood and the rejection of certain cultural norms. The erroneous but culturally ingrained belief that meat protein is necessary to sustain life must be abandoned, and with it the general attitude of the normalcy ... Free Essays on Vegetarianism Free Essays on Vegetarianism As we must go back to our origins, our beginnings, the â€Å"Garden of Eden† of our own individual lives in order to grasp truth and thus gain entry into the Kingdom, so must we adopt the childlike awe, wonder and respect for our non-human brethren which can be seen in the attitude of a child toward an animal before he or she has been spoiled by the inculturated norms of fear and dominance. Just as we may observe the child’s natural affinity toward animals and his or her early, innate sense of being in relation with them, we may also observe the child’s earliest reaction to the eating of meat. On first being introduced to the eating of meat in infancy, the natural response of a baby is to dislike its taste. Most children instinctively turn their heads away from this new, foul-smelling offer on the spoon. The baby must be taught to eat meat through daily conditioning. A similar response is repeated later when an older child learns that the main course on his or he r plate was once a cow or a pig or a chicken. The quick and strong reaction is one of revulsion- acceptance coming only through repeated assurances of the normalcy of this practice in the adult world. In the context of ‘becoming as children’ it is noteworthy that Isaiah uses images of children in relation with animals in his famous vision of the peaceable kingdom. As Via notes in his study of the pericope in Mark, (Mark 10: 13-16) the return to this childlike stance involves a certain amount of risk-taking in the abandonment of attitudes that the adult has come to accept. As the child must abandon security in order to become an adult and take risks, so the adult must retrace those early steps in the abandonment of the learned security of adulthood and the rejection of certain cultural norms. The erroneous but culturally ingrained belief that meat protein is necessary to sustain life must be abandoned, and with it the general attitude of the normalcy ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Make Your Laptop More Ergonomic

How to Make Your Laptop More Ergonomic Laptop computers are wonderful pieces of technology. They allow you to take immense computing power with you where ever you go. Unfortunately, certain ergonomic features are compromised for the sake of portability. Posture, keyboard spacing, screen size and positioning, and pointing devices usually take the biggest ergonomic hit. Even though laptops are designed for portability, many people use them as a desktop computer. Despite the poor ergonomics inherent in most laptops, certain steps can be taken to create a sound ergonomic laptop setup as a desktop. Whether its the main computer or a temporary setup, you can improve your ergonomics. The Main Ergonomic Issues With Laptops Keyboard spacing - laptop keyboards are often compact with odd placement of some keys and cramped spacing of others. Hand cramps and repetitive stress injuries are more of a concern on compact keyboards. Preventing wrist repetitive stress injuries becomes even more of a priority.Monitor size - laptop screens are often smaller than desktop monitors. Small screens can cause more eye strain than larger ones. Preventing eye strain becomes even more of a priority as well.Monitor placement - the relation of the keyboard to monitor on a laptop is fixed. A proper ergonomic monitor setup has the monitor and keyboard at different levels and spaced far apart. This placement causes bad posture with either arms and hands held high or the neck and back bent low. Both of which can cause some serious problems and pain.Small pointers - laptops usually have an integrated pointing device such as a touchpad or dot. These devices are adequate for the task, but not very comfortable or easy to use for long periods of time. Wrist related repetitive stress injuries pop up here as well. General Ergonomic Tips Make your laptop setup as close to the desktop ergonomic computer station setup as possible.Keep the wrists in the most natural wrist position that you can achieve.Rotate the screen so that bending of the neck is minimized.Tuck the chin into rotate the head instead of bending the neck. The Best Ergonomic Laptop Solution Use a laptop docking station. These devices let you plug in your laptop to a base station that has a monitor, keyboard, and mouse already connected. You basically have a desktop setup with a removable computer that just happens to have a keyboard and screen attached. Laptop Docking Stations Compare Prices The Next Best Ergonomic Laptop Solution If a docking station is out of your budget or otherwise impractical do the next best thing. Have a separate keyboard and mouse at the desk. This lets you place the laptop at the correct monitor position and have a comfortable keyboard and mouse at their proper locations. The Makeshift Ergonomic Solution If you can not get a separate keyboard and mouse, or you are in a temporary location there is still plenty you can do to improve your laptop ergonomic setup. Run through a quick task analysis to determine what the main thing you will be doing is. If it is reading, then set the laptop up in a proper ergonomic monitor position. If it is typing, then set the laptop up in a proper ergonomic keyboard position. If it is a mix, then set the laptop up in a proper ergonomic keyboard setup. The large muscles of the back and neck can take more stress than the arms and wrists so the bending of the neck to read the screen is the lesser of two ergonomic evils. If you have to place the laptop on a desktop, and thereby be higher than a good keyboard height, try changing planes. Elevate the rear of the laptop so that the keyboard is inclined. Then lean back in your chair so that your arms are now in line with the keyboard. Final Word on Laptop Ergonomics Laptops do not make good ergonomic desktops. They are not even that ergonomically sound on your lap. But that is not why you have one. Still, with a little diligence and a few accessories you can make your laptop work for you as a desktop.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reflect upon your own coaching practise (coaching sessions you have Essay

Reflect upon your own coaching practise (coaching sessions you have delivered) and critically explore the range of models and techniques used. (3000 words) - Essay Example The major type of coaching is educational coaching which offers an opportunity for learning as well as mentorship consequently improving academic or learning skills hence academic performance. Coaching is a one on one leaning mode that has been in existence for a long period but much focus has been put on this learning method especially in the recent past. This paper is a reflection of the importance of coaching, the different micro coaching models, and coaching strategies especially those I applied in my micro coaching sessions, and an analysis of why some worked perfectly while others proved to be problematic. During my micro coaching sessions, I realized how I would enjoy some coaching techniques and strategies while others were a blunder and made me feel like quitting or terminating my sessions. Coaching takes different spans of time with micro coaching taking a short period but producing excellent results if done properly. During my micro coaching sessions, I realized strategies like the five whys’ strategy was so pressurizing while others like the Grow model proved supportive and pleasing. I will endeavour to analyse reasons why some were not accommodating and how one can improve to generate better results than I managed. The sessions also helped me realise the importance of the coach understanding the needs of the coachee, their behaviours and attitude to decide on the appropriate coaching strategy. Before discussing the coaching techniques and strategies, it is important I first discuss why I found it important to engage in the micro coaching sessions. The major importance of enrolling in micro coaching was to get challenged which enabled me to focus and realize my potential. The coaching process amplified my desire to learn and i have surely improved on my review and learning skills. Coaching also helped me to improve my self-esteem since the coach motivated me to improve on my performance and when I saw an improvement in my results my

Ethics in Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics in Finance - Essay Example This paper will evaluate the various ethics theories and analyze how they can be used to solve the ethical dilemma. Utilitarianism Utilitarianism ethics theory holds that the right action is the one giving the ultimate form of satisfaction for every one that is affected (Snoyenbos & James 17). It is notable that utilitarianism is a consequentialist moral theory that seeks to evaluate the outcomes of an action rather than the action itself (Van Staverin 21). According to this theory, the rightness or wrongness of an action is dependent on the general effect that the action has on the people it affects. Suffice to say, utilitarianism holds that an action cannot be judged in isolation to be good or bad. In this regard, an action is right if it produces more intrinsic good than any other action that would have been taken. For instance, utilitarianism could hold that cheating is right if it resulted in the saving of lives of people in danger. Actions are right when they maximize happiness and good for all the affected persons. One of the basic objections of the utilitarianism ethics theory is that the judgment of an act is based on its future outcomes (Singer 41). It is not possible for a person to know the precise consequences of his or her actions in the future. Thus, the utilitarianism ethics theory cannot be applied to justify the morality of present actions since the outcomes have to be evaluated first. However, the counter-argument to this objection is that a person can use the subordinate rules to choose the course of action in a particular situation. If in the particular circumstances greater good would result by discarding the subordinate rules, the utilitarianism ethics theory can be applied to justify an alternative action (Van Staverin 23). In the case study, the manager has to make a decision that would result in greater intrinsic good for all the people affected. Linda has had a good financial history with the bank for the past twenty years. In her twe nties, she was financially prudent and made significant savings. In the recent past, she has been in a financial turmoil culminating in frequent overdrafts and exceeding her credit card limits due to depression. Despite this, she has never defaulted on her repayments although her sister Sophie has had to bail her out twice in the recent past. Linda points out that she took care of their mother, Catherine, when Sophie was setting up her businesses. Catherine has been a faithful customer of the bank for the past fifty years. In fact, her account with the bank has been prudently managed over the years and she managed to save some money for her funeral. Her financial position has changed only in the recent past since she has to cover the costs of accommodating her daughter Linda. Sophie has successfully established herself as a business lady with a growing empire of companies. She has bailed out Linda and Catherine twice but she insists that they have to take charge of their financial i ndependence. She proposes that the bank should cut of off their credit card facility as well as overdrafts. According to utilitarianism ethics theory, it would be appropriate for the manager to keep the credit facilities for both Catherine and Linda. The credit facilities would help Linda to obtain money to fulfill her personal and family needs considering the fact that she was no longer working. Also, the credit facility would help Catherine to pay rent and buy food for herself and Linda’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Outline and assess the major changes to journalism over the past 40 Essay

Outline and assess the major changes to journalism over the past 40 years and explain the extent to which these changes have helped or hindered democracy - Essay Example That is, the concept of democratic journalism has paved way into the academic jargon of the subject matter; implying that social media platforms tend to be launch-pads for such trend which then make news and influence journalists in dramatic ways. Therefore, it would be imperative to see the evolution of journalism from the era of Watergate scandal to the social media age to see how the subject matter and the professionalism in the field has expanded and moved forward (Starkey 2004: 5). Therefore, the paper will aim at exploring how journalism emerged as a forward-moving discipline and how the journalists in the field faced immense challenges and turbulences to bring the discipline where it stands today. Furthermore, the paper will explore how issues like media financing, advertising and political affiliations have impacted the field and therefore, how journalism has impacted democratic developments. Prior to analyzing the evolutionary phases of journalism in the past 40 years, and its contribution towards democracy; it is critical to understand the scope and nature of the discipline of journalism. Journalism incorporates the gathering and processing of news while including dissemination of news and information. Furthermore, journalism may also be understood in context to reporting, editing, writing, photography and even broadcasting of news as part of the business of an organization. Another perspective deals with the academic aspects whereby journalism stands for the coursework which prepared the students for intriguing careers in news writing and broadcasting, even editing. Similarly, considering the opinion formation function of journalism, it may also be understood as thought provoking and research oriented composition which is reflected via newspapers, print media and more recently even the social media. However, the feedback mechanisms must also not be

Ways of Preventing Time Wastage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ways of Preventing Time Wastage - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that some of the drawbacks of time wastage are lowering of productivity, loss of priority activities, and lowering of physical/mental benefits. Some of the benefits of time wastage are recharging of the mind, building of working relationships, learning of new and precious skills, and development of hobbies. Generally, as the saying goes â€Å"all work with no play makes Jack a dull boy† time wastage can be beneficial; however, the benefits are on the individual basis and not for the entire nation or a given workforce. Most of the workers at the workplace are fond of checking their email inboxes. This tendency results into loss of precious time because this habit of sending emails to colleagues is addictive. This paper illustrates that constant email pop in and out always forms repetitive time wastage habit that cost the employers. It is estimated that constant email pop in and out is capable of reducing the worker’s output to ex tend where the output of production will lag by one product behind. Following the research was done by and AOL group in the USA it was established that one of the basic element things that consume a lot of time for the workers is internet surfing. Internet surfing involves constant email check-in and chatting in other social media like Skype, 2go, and Facebook. This problem of pop in and out of email inbox can be eliminated by restricting the checking up to three times for the whole day, it is recommended to schedule your email check-in for the morning, afternoon, and evening. Winging-it time can be defined as the time that an individual aimlessly spends while defining the important things that she/he need to do. For example, in driving some individuals waste a lot of time while aimlessly navigating lots of round-about instead of following a shortcut direction. Lack of drawn roadmap or targets for the end makes an individual to waste a lot of time in winging-it. In order to eradicate this winging-it time wastage an individual needs to prepare a list of tasks in the morning of all the activities that she/he should do, the creation of such a plan helps an individual to have to a scale of preference. Interruption magnet habit can also be referred to distraction that some people cause to others. Some co-workers are fond of creating disruptions to their fellow workers who might be busy working on some scheduled activities. Winging-it time can be defined as the time that an individual aimlessly spends while defining the important things that she/he need to do. For example, in driving some individuals waste a lot of time while aimlessly navigating lots of round-about instead of following a shortcut direction. Lack of drawn roadmap or targets for the end makes an individual to waste a lot of time in winging-it. In order to eradicate this winging-it time wastage an individual needs to prepare a list of tasks in the morning of all the activities that she/he s hould do, the creation of such a plan helps an individual to have to a scale of preference. Interruption magnet habit can also be referred to distraction that some people cause to others. Some co-workers are fond of creating disruptions to their fellow workers who might be busy working on some scheduled activities. This interruption magnet habit can eliminate through putting the phone on silence mode, doing tasks that divided attention has no influence over and maybe choosing to close your office door. Individuals should also learn to prioritize their tasks as very vital since this would prevent them to avoid interruptions from their co-workers. The habit of procrastination can also be referred to as those habits that waste precious time such as face booking, playing spider solitaire, and gazing at the window. Elimination of silent can be achieved through draw up or structuring the day's tasks.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to communicate the gospel to the youth effectively Research Proposal

How to communicate the gospel to the youth effectively - Research Proposal Example The youth forms a critical group in the modern church and the contemporary society. Unlike in the past, the contemporary youth express their evident search for a purpose in life. With the increasing influence of the popular culture promoted by different media forms, the church has a critical responsibility in ensuring that the youth finds direction from God through the church. Modem day preachers need to adopt strategies that are appealing to the youth. Young people have varying needs from other groups in the church. Many of the young people face identity crises during their teenage years and early adulthood. Therefore, preachers need to ensure that they preach the gospel to the youth effectively. God’s word can shape the life of a human being and transform his or her perceptions. Therefore, modern youth can rely on the Gospel for a sense of direction and purpose in life. However, this is only possible if preachers can reach the youth effectively using the most appropriate app roaches. Problem Statement Many authors have given attention to the emerging needs of the youth in the modern society. The youth has been a focus group in many studies. However, none of the studies have defined the most effective studies of communicating the gospel to the youth. It is of critical importance to understand the effective strategies for communicating the gospel to the youth so that it can begin to transform their lives during their younger years. In accordance with biblical teachings, especially in the book of Proverbs, the youth have a better chance of participating fully in the service of God because they are full of energy.

3-page Report on Problem 28 pages with conclusions and show Essay

3-page Report on Problem 28 pages with conclusions and show calculations - Essay Example At the same time, because investors believe that managers know the correct share price, IST faces a lemons problem if it attempts to raise the $500 million by issuing equity. a. Suppose that if IST issues equity, the share price will remain $13.50. To maximize the long term share price of the firm once its true value is known, would managers choose to issue equity or borrow the $500 million if If there are no costs from issuing debt, then the managers would only issue equity if the correct value shares are overvalued. But because of this, investors would only buy equity at the lowest possible value for the firm, which in this case is $12.50 and not $13.50. Since there would be no gains by issuing equity, the firm would issue debt. The key to the decision of the managers on whether to borrow or issue equity lies with the accuracy of the information that they have. In the two cases we analyzed, if the value of shares is actually lower than the current share price (it is overvalued), it would make sense for the managers to issue equity, knowing that investors will respond in such a way that the price will just eventually go down to the actual value of the shares. However, if the actual value turns out to be higher (it is undervalued), borrowing shows that the company thinks (or knows) this is so and will prompt investors to raise share prices eventually matching the value that the managers want it to reach. This phenomenon says a lot about how information about the actual value of a stock versus speculative pricing affects the market. Investors respond to choices made by companies based on assumptions like the ones we illustrated, whether or not managers are educated enough to know that the market will move that way. In this, we see that reckless borrowing or selling leads to undesirable results for managers. In the same way, managers who have deft control of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to communicate the gospel to the youth effectively Research Proposal

How to communicate the gospel to the youth effectively - Research Proposal Example The youth forms a critical group in the modern church and the contemporary society. Unlike in the past, the contemporary youth express their evident search for a purpose in life. With the increasing influence of the popular culture promoted by different media forms, the church has a critical responsibility in ensuring that the youth finds direction from God through the church. Modem day preachers need to adopt strategies that are appealing to the youth. Young people have varying needs from other groups in the church. Many of the young people face identity crises during their teenage years and early adulthood. Therefore, preachers need to ensure that they preach the gospel to the youth effectively. God’s word can shape the life of a human being and transform his or her perceptions. Therefore, modern youth can rely on the Gospel for a sense of direction and purpose in life. However, this is only possible if preachers can reach the youth effectively using the most appropriate app roaches. Problem Statement Many authors have given attention to the emerging needs of the youth in the modern society. The youth has been a focus group in many studies. However, none of the studies have defined the most effective studies of communicating the gospel to the youth. It is of critical importance to understand the effective strategies for communicating the gospel to the youth so that it can begin to transform their lives during their younger years. In accordance with biblical teachings, especially in the book of Proverbs, the youth have a better chance of participating fully in the service of God because they are full of energy.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Novel Ender's Game Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Novel Ender's Game Analysis - Essay Example The importance of compassion in the game of survival is also highlighted. The story throws light on science fiction elements often using phrases like gravity manipulation, buggers, two previous bugger wars, colonizing other planets, a global military organization etc. The question of survival has been the issue of top priority for the humankind and it is necessary to take all possible measures to achieve that objective. In the present day scenario, the physical strength and fitness of the fighting forces is given more importance. Soldiers execute the war-plans drawn up by the commanders, for whom planning war-strategies is the mind game. But in the Ender’s game planning the war strategies has reached the next stage. The readers are given to understand that, â€Å"We are the Third Invasion."(250) The mind has evolved into higher dimensions. This idea relates to the portals of higher intelligence. The words â€Å"learned skills,† are of importance. The process of acquiri ng the â€Å"learned skills,† is not possible in the ordinary course of learning, as part of the routine curriculum. Human beings undergo the eternal confusion between game and the reality. This unique game of survival of humankind has also been interpreted through the threat of the aliens. Through the games of Ender the author tries to highlight the difference between games and real-life situations and how one can convert each challenge of life into a game. Ender is unable to grasp the real meaning of his final game, until the damage is done. The first game that Peter makes Ender play is the simple one which the kids know, â€Å"buggers and astronauts.† In this game Peter makes known his hatred for Enders by inflicting physical pain on him as the game is in progress, and this is the one game Ender is unable to win. But that is a pre-decided plan against Ender. Peter gives his estimate of the plan thus: â€Å"With Ender, we have to strike a delicate balance. Isolate h im enough that he remains creative--otherwise he'll adopt the systems here and we'll lose him. At the same time, we need to make sure he keeps a strong ability to lead."(27) The two different types of games that Ender faces at Battle School convey the most important aspect of the game. In a nutshell, they throw light on the process of transformation, how the simple life lands into complications and the situations turn challenging, and the question of survival assumes importance. This game plan depicts the current scenario in the society deeply impacted by materialistic civilization. Research for new equipment and intensive military training are considered absolutely essential by every country. So is the case with Ender. The author writes, â€Å"We're going to make him the best military commander in history. And then put the fate of the world on his shoulders."(36)The research by the scientists goes on unabated, new weapons of destructions are created; no one is able to gauge the im pact of their destructive capacity; even on knowing, it is part of the game of power-politics and hence the negotiations are conducted behind the curtain. Ender is unable to come to terms with the changes that continue to happen in life. No authority exists to check the scientific discoveries that will have devastating consequences on the survival of humankind. The play games have turned into war games and the fun aspect in them has vanished, and they have become

Monday, October 14, 2019

Health Care Delivery System in the United States Essay Example for Free

Health Care Delivery System in the United States Essay Introduction: The problem: Access to health care physically and financially, healthcare system in today’s society has failed to provide quality care for the U.S. Americans. There are so many ways that the system falls short in providing proper care. The healthcare is mainly based on the government to provide care for a particular group of people according to their income and not everyone has the same treatment, some having to pay for care through some type of insurance premium. When looking at this system of care, families are all dealing with the same issues in relations to not getting the treatment and quality care that they need. Many providers is having to see more patients in clinics than anticipated in terms causes a shorter visit with patients to address any kind of concerns and with uncoordinated care this leads to decrease in quality care of patients. High risk patients could be an issue for providers, because of the risk of malpractice, and increase of having malpractice insurance therefore providers are reluctant to see these patients which causes the patients to have less options for treatment choices. Healthcare Expenditure: this will continue to increase and families will continue to struggle and stress over how they will pay their medical bills. Healthcare systems are not slowing down on their costs and most of them are not willing to give families an efficient healthcare system for a better quality of care. The healthcare expenditures are increasing and the families incomes are not sufficient to compensate which makes this so stressful and hard for families to afford. When looking at the pharmaceutical spending, this has increased drastically. Medications is continuing to increase in costs, therefore, families are not able to get medications that are needed for care. Quality of care: has been a proven factor to be declined, patients with chronic and long term disease are not getting the therapy and drug regimen that is needed to give them a better quality of life. Many elderly patients and patients with disabilities are not able to receive homecare services that are needed to assist them with care. This is an ongoing battle with many American families who are uninsured as well as insured families. Care is not being coordinated and managed for patients with long term and chronic illnesses. Internal Factors: finance and delivery systems should be combined, both of these factors work together for the improvement of each other. Delivery system and payments are declined because the quality and effectiveness are not valued in the healthcare system therefore we have less quality of care and increasing in costs. Without improvements in these two areas the healthcare system will continue to fail in providing a more efficient system for our families and ou t-of-pocket payments are burdening families and care is being refused, emergency rooms are overflowing and office visits are declining. External Factors: The development of new technology affecting the healthcare system in ways as such advance equipment to treat certain diseases that wasn’t offered in the past and patients are not able to afford the treatment because of the increase in costs. Many advance technology procedures are performed in surgery that is consuming our incomes. Patients with chronic diseases are not able to receive the care because of new technology and the price increase that goes with the technology. Solution to health care access physically and financially, According to (Nichols, 2007) all Americans must take on a responsibility for their own health and the health of their children. This means having policies established which would be affordable for American families and polices established to assist the families who need financial assistant in acquiring an insurance policy. Guidelines also must be followed with this plan with the responsibility of the individual and the insurance comp any. This would be balanced to assist families with affordable insurance and benefit the insurance market that would create a quality delivery system as well as cost efficient. The responsibilities to the family is following the guidelines and policy, maintaining their health by having their yearly check-ups, scheduling routine appointments to see their provider as necessary when a problem may arise and maintaining their insurance coverage. The shared responsibilities is the insurance companies provide a stable plan that will improve the delivery system by making American families a priority with having access to a health care system in which quality care is provided and affordable to the family. Solution to health care expenditure, Preventive measures and promoting health can help with health care spending. Management of long –care diseases and establishing a good foundation with advance health technology well build better patient satisfaction, along with cost effectiveness. The reforms improvements values is not a routine step, many believe that the change in delivery systems may decrease the costs, but some feel that it should be more stable in costs by establishing guidelines that are more promising and effective. These guidelines and policies should be put in place to improve the health care system.(brennan, cafarella, kocot, mckethan, morrison, nguyen, shepherd and Williams,2009). Solution to quality of care, According to (fingado), electronic health record system will allow a continuum of patient care for better quality and manageable coordination to patient records. When coordinating patient care all systems must be involved to get a better outcome. Health care systems through health care electronic employee record helps with continuation of patient care and prepare better management plans. This health care system also allow staff to advance knowledge through training and exercise to improve better patient care outcome. Why my response is correct, Me as a health care professional have witness patients who are non-compliance regarding their health and working with uninsured families have different outcomes than patients who is compliance with preventive care usually are in better physical health than families who are not. There are many preventive measures that families can initiate better health, exercising on a regular basis, selecting healthier choices in diet menu, seeking preventive care as necessary, and be in compliance with treatment regimen, prevent bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse. Patients who maintain good health behaviors usually have better outcomes during surgical procedures, healing process is less and better outcomes with other treatment plans. Conclusion, according to our reading, Americans should have an effective health care system where families are provided with safe care and an affordable health care plan for the continuum of care. Explanation is given how many patients visit their health care provider and usually never see their primary care provider and how care should be directed toward patient satisfaction. Our reading mentions The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that extends health care plans to primary care that would benefit most Americans to having a better outcome and assessing why acute visits happen so frequently. According to (Thorpe and ogden,2010) excessive spending is being directed towards Fee-For-Service where the main focus is on the amount of patient being seen and costs instead of patient care improvements. The new health reform law is establishing changes to remove this system away from Medicare and other payers. References Niall Brennan, Nichole Cafarella, S. Lawrence Kocot, Aaron Mckethan, Marisa Morrison, Nadia Nguyen, Mark Shephard and Reginald D. Wiliams. (2009). improving quality value in the U.S. Health Care System. Retrieved August 2009, from Nichols, L. M. (2007). A Sustainable Health System for all Americans. Retrieved July 2007, from Thorpe, K. E., Ogden, L. L. (2010, June 2010). Analysis Commentary The Foundation That Health Reform Lays For Improved Payment, Care Coordination, And Prevention. Health Affairs, 29,6, 1183.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Case Analysis Of Apple Inc Business Essay

A Case Analysis Of Apple Inc Business Essay The purpose of this paper is to explain the definition of Strategic Management and why it is critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission. The paper will include a brief analysis of the situation and pending decision problem, as presented in the case and in relevance to the answer. In addition, the major issues will be surrounding the organization or individuals involved with the organization. Included will be alternate courses of action to address the issues identified. Next, will be the decision or recommendation for action, with the appropriate supporting arguments if any. Statement of the Problem(s): Thousands of people were laid off at Apple, Inc. It does not look like Apple, Inc. spent much time working on its management and marketing strategies from the beginning. It was not until better marketers such as Jobs and Sculley came into the picture, before the company started to expand to better markets with acquisitions and joint ventures. The problem was not changing their strategy sooner. The jobs are what contribute to a companys effectiveness (Mello, 2011, p. 115) and if they kept their employees it might have contributed to earlier success. It is human capital that helps companies to strive. For Apple, Inc. to lay off employees to help their financial statement for stakeholders may have been part of the cause of the problem (Yoffie Slind, 2008). Their mission statement should have answered the question about what is strategic management, and why is it critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission statement? Summary of the Facts: According to research done by Yoffie and Slind, (2008) Apple, Inc. started out with a great product line to reach the computer market. Then they advanced to the iPod, iTunes and the 3G network in order to advance their technology into the competitive marketplace. They became the industry leader under Wozniak with the new Macintosh. However, their technology was slow. They did not beat their competitors during this stage. Sculley added desktop publishing, which focused on the educational market which sold at top price. Because Sculley was good at marketing he was able to hit the market with the personal assistants gadgets. The smartest move Apple made was to form a joint venture with its competitor. Products dropped and IBM and Apple parted but they were just starting to learn the joint venture game. When Steve Jobs came on board the company went through reorganization and many people lost their jobs. Microsoft invested one hundred and fifty million dollars just after Microsoft Office was formed. Then iMac went out to three hundred million and Apples image was back on track again. Their marketing strategy was to differentiate themselves from other competitors. Apple, Inc. had great designs under Steve Jobs with Microsofts cooperation. However, Acer and Dell were catching up with the new Intel processors and Windows 7 emerged. Apples smartest move was the iPod with music. However, Amazon was the companys newest threat. The end result was the iPhone reaching the smartphone market. They reached all heights by finally changing their game, by reaching seventy percent of the U.S. market. In addition, the iPhone 3G reached twenty-two markets (Yoffie Slind, 2008, p. 22). Definition: The elements of a strategy consist of arenas so the company knows where the main operations will be and core technologies used (Mello, 2011, p. 131). The next step in setting up the companys strategy is the vehicle they will use to achieve their goals? Third, is differentiation on how they can beat their competitors in the high-tech world? Fourth, is the staging management strategy of what products they plan on using? Lastly, is the companys economics in deciding how much to charge or to decide if their product is hard to market. In addition, there are different stages of technological change. The fast growth stage is when the product starts with a concept and then has fast innovation. The Wild, Wild West stage is also fast innovation but for smaller companies taking risks. The consolidators are in the steady evolution stage that are in the mature life cycle and use economies of scale. Lastly in the creative destruction stage there is new knowledge and competencies and the company se eks other industries to joint venture (Mello, 2011, p. 145). Analysis: Apple, Inc. started out as a concept driver when they reached new market showing fast growth in the beginning. Then, they came up with new knowledge and competencies as concept learners. They were also pioneers in the industry showing fast innovation. They reached a mature life cycle with economies of scale when they had to widen their product lines. Apple, Inc. went through all the stages of technological change. However, in the fast growth stage they were not prepared for what lay ahead, so they had to come up with different strategies to have the competitive advantage. Every stage requires development of their employees and more financing resources (Mello, 2011). Recommendations: According to (Mello, 2011), Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Resource-Based View (RBV) organizations need to hire employees that are motivated and have a highly trained skills to help the company have a competitive advantage (p. 119). Core competencies are shared throughout the organization collaboratively. This knowledge connects strategy and SHRM (p. 125). The systems need to comprise of human, social and organization capital, and it is through this creation and integration working together that the company can remain a success. This should have been done in the very beginning in their formation of strategy planning and origination of their mission statement. Moreover, recommendations for the company in the future is to make it part of their strategic management goal to do a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis year. A SWOT analysis should have been done in the beginning of their strategic mission, so they would have known the threats that lay ahead. This is normally done with their marketing management department. If all of the departments were integrated to work together interchangeably using core competencies, they would have foreseen what lay ahead. Whenever a company has fast growth such as in Apple, Inc.s fast growth stage, the company takes the risk of competitors striving to take over the marketplace with better high technological products (Mello, 2011). Consequently, their strategic management mission and goals should have included a plan for when there was overkill in the marketplace. Apple, Inc. would make a smart move to find ways to have employee retention and to beat the competition with continuous new innovative products. It is by keeping employees and training them they can come up with new ideas and sustain their growth in the future. They can stay ahead of the competition by having some low-cost items such as music downloads and higher cost for their other products. Apple, Inc. should use some of their new revenue towards research and development to design new innovations for tomorrows customers (Mello, 2011, p. 152). According to Zhouying Ying (2011), strategic management problems in the past with organizations were because they lacked integration. Apple, Inc. should have used sustainable and long-term development in their strategy for tracking, management and feedback otherwise long-term goals are harder to achieve (p. 49). Apple, Inc. failed to pay attention to its economy and financial resources needed in the beginning. However, they did sustain growth in the later stages of the company. Now they need to sustain their growth through continuous integration and coordination (p. 50). The goals need to consist with development for the long-term and to focus on the external environment. Strategic goals need to be achieved from the bottom up and the top down (p. 53) in their vision. Apple, Inc. needs to continue to inspire and motivate their new employees by giving them a support system to reach their vision and goals that are achievable. Conclusion The case analysis consisted of a statement of the problem showing a brief analysis of the situation and decision problem. The analysis included the major issues surrounding the organization and individuals involved. The alternate courses of action were identified in the recommendations, which showed strategies needed to sustain growth and development in a high-tech environment. The main strategy is to maintain and inspire their employees to continue with growth in this fast-pace environment.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Man Behind Hubble: Bob Williams :: Shuttle Astronomy Space Essays

The Man Behind Hubble: Bob Williams Four weeks after space-walking shuttle Endeavour astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in December 1993, an ecstatic Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski waved a Hubble picture of the core of the spiral galaxy M100 at her naysaying colleagues. Today, Mikulski could host a Capitol Hill star party: The orbiting telescope has generated more than 100,000 photos of celestial objects, including a cemetery of dying stars, elephant trunks of dust and hydrogen gas twisting in the Eagle Nebula, jovian storms and aurorae, the rocky rings of Saturn and the colossal supernova smoke rings blown from an exploded star, to list a few. Hubble's pictures do double duty not only as congressional lobbying props, but also as screen savers, T-shirt prints, calendar photos, a background for the "Babylon 5" science fiction TV series and even planet trading cards to be provided soon to schoolchildren. One of the most electrifying pictures of all, the Hubble Deep Field image began literally as a shot in the dark: the sum of 342 exposures taken with Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 in December 1995 of a black speck of northern sky. Although the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impact on Jupiter may have generated a bigger media splash, astronomers still are agog over the Deep Field. Aides to Vice President Al Gore ordered a Deep Field poster from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which manages the Hubble's science program under contract with NASA. Borrowing a page from Mikulski, Gore plans to use the Deep Field poster to promote scientific research in the next millennium. In an age of cost-cutting and smaller-is-preferred, the $3 billion Hubble has demonstrated that bigger can be better: The telescope attracted 1,298 proposals for observing time during its next annual cycle that began in July, an increase of 30 percent from the previous cycle and more than had been rece ived by any other U.S. telescope or NASA project. Ever. A driving force behind Hubble's scientific mission, particularly the Deep Field, is astronomer Bob Williams, 56, who took over as director of the STScI a few months before the 1993 repair mission. Like Hubble itself, Williams began his astronomy career with high promise, then was written off as lacking focus. Both have rebounded spectacularly. Williams is admired as an articulate champion of astronomy with a penchant for accomplishment. "There is not a devious molecule in his body," says Ray Weymann, an astronomer at the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, California, who spent many nights collaborating with Williams in the quiet and darkness of telescope towers.