Friday, October 18, 2019

Ways of Preventing Time Wastage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ways of Preventing Time Wastage - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that some of the drawbacks of time wastage are lowering of productivity, loss of priority activities, and lowering of physical/mental benefits. Some of the benefits of time wastage are recharging of the mind, building of working relationships, learning of new and precious skills, and development of hobbies. Generally, as the saying goes â€Å"all work with no play makes Jack a dull boy† time wastage can be beneficial; however, the benefits are on the individual basis and not for the entire nation or a given workforce. Most of the workers at the workplace are fond of checking their email inboxes. This tendency results into loss of precious time because this habit of sending emails to colleagues is addictive. This paper illustrates that constant email pop in and out always forms repetitive time wastage habit that cost the employers. It is estimated that constant email pop in and out is capable of reducing the worker’s output to ex tend where the output of production will lag by one product behind. Following the research was done by and AOL group in the USA it was established that one of the basic element things that consume a lot of time for the workers is internet surfing. Internet surfing involves constant email check-in and chatting in other social media like Skype, 2go, and Facebook. This problem of pop in and out of email inbox can be eliminated by restricting the checking up to three times for the whole day, it is recommended to schedule your email check-in for the morning, afternoon, and evening. Winging-it time can be defined as the time that an individual aimlessly spends while defining the important things that she/he need to do. For example, in driving some individuals waste a lot of time while aimlessly navigating lots of round-about instead of following a shortcut direction. Lack of drawn roadmap or targets for the end makes an individual to waste a lot of time in winging-it. In order to eradicate this winging-it time wastage an individual needs to prepare a list of tasks in the morning of all the activities that she/he should do, the creation of such a plan helps an individual to have to a scale of preference. Interruption magnet habit can also be referred to distraction that some people cause to others. Some co-workers are fond of creating disruptions to their fellow workers who might be busy working on some scheduled activities. Winging-it time can be defined as the time that an individual aimlessly spends while defining the important things that she/he need to do. For example, in driving some individuals waste a lot of time while aimlessly navigating lots of round-about instead of following a shortcut direction. Lack of drawn roadmap or targets for the end makes an individual to waste a lot of time in winging-it. In order to eradicate this winging-it time wastage an individual needs to prepare a list of tasks in the morning of all the activities that she/he s hould do, the creation of such a plan helps an individual to have to a scale of preference. Interruption magnet habit can also be referred to distraction that some people cause to others. Some co-workers are fond of creating disruptions to their fellow workers who might be busy working on some scheduled activities. This interruption magnet habit can eliminate through putting the phone on silence mode, doing tasks that divided attention has no influence over and maybe choosing to close your office door. Individuals should also learn to prioritize their tasks as very vital since this would prevent them to avoid interruptions from their co-workers. The habit of procrastination can also be referred to as those habits that waste precious time such as face booking, playing spider solitaire, and gazing at the window. Elimination of silent can be achieved through draw up or structuring the day's tasks.

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