Friday, October 4, 2019

Crisis Communicaitons Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Crisis Communicaitons Plan - Essay Example It outlines major methods for reacting to these situations in a quick and effective manner. It is the principal goal of this Crisis Communication Plan to set up guidelines for handling the recent controversial situation and to ensure that school staff are well familiar with these procedures as well as their roles in this situation. The Crisis Communication Plan is designated to be utilized along with the common decision-making hierarchy of the school and in no way supplants this decision-making process. While addressing the media and the general public, the school will deliver factual data and messages that will be most beneficial to the school and to the school district. We aim at helping the mass media through provision of information which will enable them to air unbiased and true information about the school, which will not discredit the its position as a reliable educational establishment and educational leader. In all procedures of communication, the school will set up a positive opportunity for the general public that will position the educational sector as a whole (Crisis Communication Plan: Nonprofit Toolkit). Messages about the drug abuse problem and alleged involvement of our school teachers in drugs delivery will be solution oriented, responsive and directed at effective action. They will reinforce the school’s leadership position. The following School Communications Plan will serve as a guide to crisis communication for our school. Its overall purpose is to facilitate management of communications in the context of crisis. It includes necessary organizational considerations. The next section will inform about the objectives of the plan. 4. Successfully manage the data distribution, in particular dissemination of crucial and sensitive information to the sources of the mass media, which will make the current data available for the members of the public, staff

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