Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Makes America Great

What Makes America Great I like America because there is opportunity here. I also like Americabecause of our government that is a democratic government. In other coun‚Â ¬tries, their government's are monarchies, or a dictatorship, or evenauthoritarian. Some countries are even capitalistic. Here we have the freedomto sell buy or trade anything that we want. Another reason that I like arecountry is that it is full of states. Many of the other counties don't have states.The privileges are vast because that we do. Some privileges are: you don'talways have to stay where you are you have the freedom to move. Now somestates have different laws but all are good here. Everyone in America has theright to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. If any of these rights aretaken away then you have the right to go to court. There are many differenttypes of courts.United Statesthere is a District court, a Circuit court, (the only one with ajury) , a Special Appeals court, and an Appeals court. The court that you wi llgo to depends on your situation. Our government is made up of three differentbranches. They are the Executive branch, Legislative branch and the Judicialbranch. All of these branches check one another so that there is no foul ups.The reason for the three branches is to split up the power and work. This isdone so that no one branch has more power that the other. I think that othersshould move to America because of the opportunity the U. S. has to offer.The U.S. has many jobs and schools. The schools in the U.S. are great theyteach you all that you would possibly want to know. I know that in somecountries the men can...

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